


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

2つ質問があります。 一つ目のマーカーのところの「to be」、これはSVOCを振るとすればO(目的語)でしょうか。 二つ目のマーカーの分構造はどうなっているのでしょうか。where以下で動詞が見つけられず、意味がとれません。

Type 8 意図問題 Exercise 19 The author mentions "a cellphone call" in order to ni ed nsp pniwaliofanit toallanitý A compare how different ways of receiving information affects memory emsp erit vert A ® emphasize the importance of repetition to absorb information on ob on ob veriT (8 O demonstrate ways to counteract retroactive inhibition work so ton ob O show how new information can hinder the retention of previously learned TO information € it vit vedT 0. vedtok れ れ to that can changed copia Tvo There are a number of events that can cause humans to forget information they have already learned and stored in their memory. One cause is believed to be a type of interference phenomenon known as retroactive inhibition, where a sudden influx of new information blocks the retention of older learned material. A driver might hear a phone number on the radio that he wants to call, so he repeats it out loud until he can recite it from memory. Then, the driver receives a cellphone call from his manager. In the time it takes the driver to absorb the information from his manager, he has forgotten the number he repeated just a few seconds before. Vildo L

解決済み 回答数: 1
数学 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


解答 ロッカーの番号を -1 ずらして0番から1023 番のロッカーが並んでいると考える. 最初の往路で は、 二進法で表して末尾が0の番号のロッカーが開 かれ、帰路では末尾から2桁目が1のロッカーが開 かれる. 次の往路では、末尾から3桁目が0の帰路 では末尾から4桁目が1の番号のロッカーが開かれ 交互にあけていく →2進数の発想 解答 一般に,n=1,2,3,... に対する連立方程式 [ x² + x² + · · · + x ² = y³ [x³ + x² +\ ·+x²³² = ₂² 50.2 整数と実数 が、 無限個の整数解をもつことを示す. a1,a2,..., an を任意の相異なる自然数として, s = a² + a² + + a², t = a³ + a² + … + a²³²2 <. ここで mi = smtkai とおくと ← ??? 【基礎0.2.8】 (1985USAMO問1) 連立方程式 : x² + x ²/² + + 1² = 8²m+1₁2k (x³ + x²³² + ... · + 1²₁/12: = 83m43k+1 となる. そこで, s2m+142k = 13,83mt3k+1 = 22 (y, 2 はある正の整数) を満たすように自然数m,n を定め ればよい. そのためには, 2m+1= 2k = 0 (mod 3) と3m=3k+1 = 0 (mod 2) を満たしていればよい のだから, m=4 (mod 6) かつk = 3 (mod 6) であ ればよい. このように Ti, y, z を定めれば、問題の連 立方程式を満たす. (1²+1²+₁+2985 = y³ x³ + x² + +1985=22 を満たす正の整数 y, 及び相異なる正の整数 π1) 21..., 1985 は存在するかどうか判定せよ. 呼ばれる。 分母と分子が整数である分数として表せる数を有 「理数という. 有理数(分数) を小数で表すと, 有限小 数または巡回小数になる。 逆に有限小数や巡回小数 で表せる数は分数で表せる. 巡回小数でない無限小数で表される数を無理数と いう. 有理数と無理数をあわせて実数という. 【基礎 0.2.9】 (1989AIME 問3 ) n は正の整数, dは十進法で1桁の数で TL = 0.d25d25d25... 1810 となるという. このようなn を求めよ. 13 解答 与えられた方程式より 999n 810 を得る.この両辺を 810倍し,両辺を27で割ると, =100d +25

解決済み 回答数: 1
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

【至急】お願いします。 (1)の下線部のwhen以下の文なんですけど。 答えの訳し方では、我々が世界を見て、より良いものになりうると少なくともある程度確信している状況を目にした際には、この判断が我々に行動を起こす理由を与える。となっていて、訳す順番がなぜこうなるのか分からな... 続きを読む

tj 【1】 次の英文を読んで、後の設問に答えよ。 (配点 50 ) rational 熟慮 When we deliberate about what we should do, we look for something to justify one choice over another. We evaluate choices and decisions on the basis of whether they are rational. In that sense, rationality is the basic norm of decision-making. We want some reason to act in a particular way. The goal of all action or choice (1) is to change our situation so we will be better off, and when we look at the world and see a state of affairs that we are, at least to some extent/confident could be made better, this judgment gives us a reason to take action. VE In social sciences, the basic material of any theory of rational choice consists of three elements. These are states of the world (states), actions that one might take (actions), and ways the world can be after one acts (outcomes). The world is one way, we want it to be other than it is, and we act to bring that better world that fend et

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

この文章の和訳を誰かしていただけないでしょうか😢 英語が苦手で、、、。よろしくお願いします!

19,20 Friday, Feb. 26, 2021 O French safety officials the 写真提供:ロイターアフ。 safety official 安全局合。 on Thursday gave green light to extend the lifetime of the FESSENHEI/ 35 eDF country's oldest nuclear power plants as it seeks to boost the share of renewable 再生可能エネ ルギー mix. renewables in its power の Nuclear energy currently provides nearly 70 10 French electricity, more than in OFrance, hoping to reduce that share to 50 percent by 2035 percent of any other country. obs91 910a8 ーa target pushed back from an earlier 2025 date the help of renewables, has been holding off from building with hold off 控える、見合わ せる new reactors. 15 The French nuclear safety authority(ASN) said the country's 32 plants with 900 megawatt capacity, built mostly in the 1980s, would be allowed to operate for another nuclear safety authority 原子力安全局 decade, taking their potential lifespan to 50 initially planned 40. 20 6 They will therefore not be decommissioned before the late years from the uohee) 活導大 2020s or even late 2030s, depending on their initial launch date. 6 The safety of French nuclear plants is checked every bse 01nla8 decade. s の ASN asked state-controlled electricity provider EDF, which EDF フランス電力 the country's nuclear plants, to undertake work to safeguard the stations' security. “The main target was to limit the consequences of accident, especially any serious accident involving the manages any necessary any meltdown of a reactor," ASN's deputy director-general Julien

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