


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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C) Usage be used to / get used to の使い方 be used to get used to にはいろいろな使い方があります。 状況を考え、日本文に合うように ( )内に適当な一語を入れなさい。 a) be used to~ hing 「~することに慣れている」 1. 私はイギリス人なので、左側運転には慣れているが、妻はアメリカ人なので、慣れてい I am British, so I ( But as my wife is American, she ( My brother has gotten a new ( ( ) used ( 2. 弟は大学を卒業して就職したが、毎朝今までよりずっと早く起きなくてはならない。 早起きに慣れてないので、大変だ。 before. He finds it ( ) up so early. ) university. He has to get up much ( because he isn't ( ) driving on the left. ) to it. ) not ( My sister is a nurse. She started working ( ( ), she ( ) not ( shift and ( ) since graduating Our new apartment is ( ) ( b) get (become) used to ~ing 「~することに慣れる」 3. 妹は看護婦で、昨年から夜勤を始めました。 最初、慣れてなかったので不安な感じが しましたが、 しばらくすると慣れて来て、 今では全く気になりません。 ) last year. At ) to being on the night ), she ) uneasy. But after a ( ) used to it. Now she doesn't mind it at ( ) to the ( ) than ) to ). 4. 私たちの新しいアパートは高速道路に近いが、そのうち騒音に慣れるだろうと思っている。 ) we will ) the freeway. I ( ). ★ [used to] 過去の習慣で「よくしたものだ」とか、過去の状態で「〜だった」という意味です。 また That castle was used as a prison. 「あの城は刑務所として使われていた」という場合、 use は受身として使用されています。 Chatterbox 日本では履歴書に必ず書かなければならないことも、英文では必要ない場合があります。 例えば、生年月日、配偶者、家族、性別、身長、体重、宗教などを問うことはアメリカで は違反とされています。 また、写真の添付も人種差別になるということで、法律的に禁止 されています。 しかし、イギリスやヨーロッパは日本と類似した履歴書を要求します。 First Day at Work 15

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


4. ライティング 15 ● 以下の TOPIC について、あなたの意見とその理由を2つ書 きなさい。 ●POINTSは理由を書く際の参考となる観点を示したもので す。ただし、これら以外の観点から理由を書いてもかまいませ the future Ⅰ have Two reasons why I think ん。 so. To begin with, father increase telework 語数の目安は80語〜100語です。 ●解答は、右にあるライティング解答欄に書きなさい。 なお、解 these days. It makes him so relay and no 答欄の外に書かれたものは採点されません。 ● 解答がTOPIC に示された問いの答えになっていない場合や、 strees. In additon, I think so that spreds TOPIC からずれていると判断された場合は、0点と採点され Internet technology. Insing ipad in school. ることがあります。 TOPIC の内容をよく読んでから答えて 53 ください。 合う There are young people using it. For these reasons, I think the number of these people will increuse in the fature. TOPIC Nowadays, more and more people are at home and teleworking. Do you think the number of these people will increase in the future? POINTS Communication • Infectious disease • Internet technology 英検2級 weknow by Interstate 練習シート interstate.co.jp 練習日: 2/2 ④ ライティング解答欄 指示事項を守り、文字は、はっきりと分かりやすく書いて下さい。 太枠に囲まれた部分のみが採点の対象です。 Skype セッションで添削を予約>> I think the number of these people will increase in 10 15

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

自分の回答があっているか不安なので、4第答えて頂きたいです。 自分の回答はこちらには見にくくなってしまうため書いていません。

Working with words 1 Complete the review of a hotel. Use the answers to complete the puzzle and find the European city where the hotel is located. HOTEL REVIEWS This first-class hotel and conference centre welcomes guests from all over the world. Its 1 facilities are second to none. There are 300 en-suite rooms and five apartment suites. For business guests, it has ten meetings rooms, two of which are big enough to be used as halls. 2 The hotel can also organize events such as guided 3 around the town centre for conference 4 and hotel guests who enjoy a bit of 5 For food-lovers, the four-star restaurant serves regional 6 every evening. All in all, this is a top-class for business and for pleasure. 7 6 1 A fa 0 il i t 1 e S 2 Replace the words in italics (1-8) with the phrases from the list. Add a pronoun if necessary. you hotel? look around meet up with show someone around 3 freshen up eat out pick someone up check in drop someone off Pedro It's difficult to park here. Can I stop and leave drop you off in front of the 1 Sabrina Sure, I'll register 2 and then I'd like to have a wash, and change my clothes 3 Pedro If you like, tonight I can give you a tour of 4 the old city. We could by eat in a restaurant 5 the port. Sabrina That sounds great! I'd rather walk about and See 6 the city than stay in my hotel room. Pedro I'll collect you 7 8 8.30 p.m. We'll see Alberto and Maite in the main square. at Business communication 1 Put the words in the correct order to make expressions. 1 meet person / it's / nice / to / you / in It's nice to meet you in person 2 have / did / finding / you/ any / trouble / us? 3 worry / signing / don't / about / in 4 through / programme / I'll / run / today's 5 this my / come / way / to / office 6 need building / you'll / this / enter / badge/ the / to 7 reception / sure / make / in / at / you / sign 2 Raymond Roberts has an appointment with Janet Rose. He has just arrived at HBG premises. Complete their conversation with the phrases from the list. let me take your bag can I get you a drink Welcome to HBG publishing I thought you could catch up again how was your journey You'll need this Make sure you 1 Raymond Good morning, I'm here to see Janet Rose. Janet Hello, I'm Janet. ¹ Welcome to HBG publishing. Raymond It's nice to meet you in person. Janet Likewise. So, 2 Raymond Well, there were traffic jams on the motorway and I got a little bit lost in the industrial park. Janet Don't worry. That happens to everyone. Anyway, 3 - I'll store it in my office. Raymond I'll hang on to it if you don't mind. It's got all my stuff in it. Janet Well, if you change your mind just tell me. And 4 Raymond Thanks. I'll have a cup of tea, please. Janet Sure, I'll just get that for you in a second. First of all, I'll run through the schedule. 5 start by meeting Karen Rankin this morning and then we'll 6 at lunchtime. Raymond OK. And will I see Malcolm Briscoe? Janet Yes, in fact he's joining us for lunch. One other thing. security pass. at all times. 7 It's your 8 wear it

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


they looked very gtired this morning. 口03 Although Mary and I are , from different ethnic backgrounds, I ®have■ 口02 Since the,committee 。 discussed about the various proposals all night, 革文には誤りが1箇所ずつある。番号を指摘し, 正しく直しなさい。 EXERCISE B reached。at Washington, we had to find a bus to go to the hotel の 口01 When that we were going to stay。at. 4 〈亜細亜大) 2 3 の no bed bpr(京都外国語大) nchange 2 decided to marry a with her. の 〈中京大) 08 口04 The next time you see Sarah, please g say her to agive me a call sSometime. 〈防衛大学校) gmot\ bedneyenq \ ed Chas anaywe 口05 In Japan, o entering a college is 。 more important than graduating one. く上智大) 80口 ad to make up t, mrisd deew fasl eonnie (griimud 口6 After a 。tiring day, John laid down to rest and fell asleep, and continued to sleep 。 until after midnight. の 2 〈京都外国語大) TO口 udents car 191l u0 ologs An old man ,in ragged 。clothes was a approaching to the gcrying girl. ind it difficultto treaktst 2 〈桜美林大) Chldren all over the world believe Santa Claus, whose name is の 2. 大阪 derived from aamispronunciation of Saint Nicholas. 〈学習院大) 4 aoue の believe in Would y nd bring dn auu 10 K g動詞の語法

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