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hav@, 0 may 7TT 2 Mg md7 IfyOU YOu eV sen mtung by abe@7 3 ・ 0 1 Hmeourererbeehn 二 ary intere8D放 gid the 5 タタ lu oo4 7 こと Letg ook at 90を boneyhes + 2の not be fond of bees。 月OweVeh they 8TG VC jhoneybee society ia Very similar tO のOUT D00=80,000 j 4 環 jnteresting fncts about them。 1 3 Honeybees live together jn ETOUDB of 20. 本 : Thi is 。[ call ] acolony and there are thre6 T4 Mer ラガ beehive. This grouD 18 ぁL CH ) 092 ang 0f thougandg Of WOrKer 54 7 the 急万6の drone 雄/チ 町 types ofbees in ahive:a gingle queen, 【G bees and hundreds of drone8. za all her ife。 Each day the que@n 1 6 をな 3 Aaqueen bee's job is to ay c中 を bee lays around 2.000 eggs. The average jifegpan Of a dUG6T 8 Be y? No. Her Tle を先導する doty 大務。 生導 Deep 1 three to four years. Does the queen rule' the colon dufy is simply egg-laying, The queen pee has a smaller brain than a worker bee. 0 4 The worker bees are the largest population in the hive. They are all female bees but can*t ay eggs, A worker bees jfe is rather shorf。 They live around 40 days, Their job is to keep the queen jpee happy They do all the work, They change their jobs as they | 9 につれて grow。 For about a week after birth, they mainly clean the hive. | Some tine betvyeen 5 to 16 days after birth, they usually take care | of pe babies and help to build a hive.。 When they become 12 to 18 days old, they carry food,。 After that, they guard the hive entrance. When 。they become 3 weeks old, they 人Hy out the hive, pollinate | rg | guard 等る pollinate 投生る plants and cojlect food, 5 yourea drone bee, jife js hard, Youre ,[ bear ], live for a month or tyo, and 人en die。 During that time, youre not a producfzve member of the hive一you cantt collect pollen or help tO | predudiwe *二人z pollen 花准 ]ook after eggs, jike worker bees一and you cant even Sting anyYone Jrone bees jive with one thing jm mind: mating With a queen。 | inmind きえで mate with こと交f6する Wijen /。theyyre Jacky they can, but they die soon after wthat. 6 Every bee in the hive has a part to play in the survival and | apattonlmy 0 Success of fher kind。 They work together and live in harmony. Ys
| 問1 | 『欄人(1)を日本天になぉしなさい 大明王 下株部(2)、(⑦) ・ の後に | 雪 剛 後( 貨略されている英語を答えなさい。 ) (⑰)( 0( )( Pi( ) 司民玉 下線部(3)と同じ 同じ意味にな 6 ES 下の( )に適切な単語を入れなさい。 KO (9)が指すものを本文から抜き出しなさい 3 ) (5) ( ) 2 ( ) (( (6)( り ) (9) ( ) 層BE記研 。[ call ] [ bear ]を文脈に合う形になおしなさい あ[ ] い[ ] 文王バチの役割を日本語で答えなさい。 司遇匠軸 但きバチの仕事を若い順に並べかえなさい。 ( ) 只( )必( ) ( ) 必( ) 1 巣の入り口を守る 。 2. 食べ物を如ぶ 3、 巣の掃除をする 4 授粉したり, 食べ物を集めたりする 5. 赤ちゃんの面倒を見たり作りをしたりする 還:画 女王パチ働きバチ,雄バチのそれぞれの (平均)寿命を答えなさい、。 女正パチ( ) 働きパチ( ) 。炊バチ( ) 下線部(8)の具体的な内容を日本語で説明しなさい。 本文の内容と合うものを3つ選び。 番号を〇で囲みなさい。 Hi Thehoneybee society is ruled by a queen、 2 There aremore worker bees than drones in a hive. AV6uker bee lives longer than a gueen. r Bees are female.


