
that は直前の文章全体を置き換えてるんじゃないんですか?

14:54 4月5日(日) @ ら 入選特 時宙 CEU3A1-Z1C2-13| 6問題文 0 円 0 円 2 | 淡のサクラとダイアンのメールのやりとりを読んで, 下の問いに答えなさい。 配点 9 Hi Sakura. (are / do / emjoying / how / life / yo ) back home? After one yearin America, does Japan look diferent to you now? Do you have any reverse culture shock" Miss you. ge Hi Diane。 Thank you for your email 1miss you too Tm back in my normal hife in Japan. Sometimes. my life in America seems like adream. (be ) 1really in Los Angeles? But quite often, 1 have reverse culture shock. For example, in Japan, there are garbage pickups* almost every day. Im my town. Monday is for paper. Tuesday is for plastic. Wednesday is for botles. and so on. Tcant live with this system. In America, 1 didmt have to dg (上 think Japan is too strict about everything so lget angry every day。 TWA back t cal What do you think2 Your fiiend, ak i Sakura Thar's interesting. 1 returned from Japan to America three years ago. and (think ) about the same thing. 1 think Japan is strict. too. but iVs a good thing. Here in America, many people waste too many things and dont recycle。 because our country is big and we have many kinds of things. Tlike the Japanese systemu so lopened a recycling club at my school Amyway* you don't have to worry. Someday* you will like both Japanese and American cultures. There are good and bad things about Japan, and the same goes for America.You will understand that soon.


おそらく、直前のthis systemを指しているのではないかと。


thatは直前の文章全体を指すんじゃないんですか?もし、this systemを指してるなら、itでは置き換えられないんですか?色々すいません🙏


その知識も合ってますよ。おそらくですが、、In my town〜からの具体例を指しているのではないかな、と。合ってるかな?間違ってたらごめんなさい💦
