

Do you like dogss OU He dogs7 People ay tha dogs ae me oldew fiends orhumans Some 所 Te Vi People as Pets o tnlk about some Dogs we led by many peopls。 Now Tm gomg kinds of dogs w 「 Tes Working fordiabled peopkk。 They are not pes。 Toy are saiiance dogE 1p Japan。 there are three kinds of assistanee dogs。 They are gnide dogs。 service doB3 and Teng dogy Tody。 jn Japan。 more tan a momsand ssshtance dogs work for diabled PeoPIe To of thom are guide dogs。 The mumber of senrice dogs and hearing dogs is mot So large 人 OF Mey 1 2017。 here were onby abowe seveny senoe dogs mm Japan。 The number of hearing dogs was about he same. Guide dogs work for peopls who cannot see。 Guide dogs lead thc users when hy 8O 9 Herent places。 The dogs walk with the uscrs and gnuide them im a sefc way。 For Purposc。 guide dogs are ( A ) to go stmight along the road。 The users know hhe situaon j front of them thanks to the dogs、 and give dmectoons to the dogsy such as Wai FComer md “Sright go.” We can say that a gnide dog and the user work together to walk safely。 Service dogs work for people who cannot use their ams or legs ficcly。 Scrvice dogs do a Jot of things in daily lives for such people. For example。 they pick up things on the floor opcn. and close doors, and bring things from other places。 When something dangerous happens。 the dog can even run to some other people and ask thcm for hclp。 We can say that service dogs [で①語 Hearing dogs work for pcople who cannot hear。 Haring dogs can understand many kinds or sounds。 such as phones alanm clocksr cping babics nd so on。 The dogs 【 by /tel/ is heard / usi ig / thc users / their / what sound 】bodies: ER lece。 the dogs ouch the users and lead them to the place。 Hearing dogs can tcll many kinds of sonnds to the users and help them The law about assistance dogs says that they can go with the users imto many places Hike Testanrants, supenmarkets, and so on. So you have many chances to see thcm。 But you should amember one important thing about them。 Assiance dogs are not pets。 They are working 5r the users. so you must not talk to them or touch them。 OF course you must not give them ay food. Asshtance dogs md the usems respect eech othier ss Partnets。 When you meet an ssistance dog and te uscr in town。 just see what they dO。 TF they need some help。 lers ghve them a hand.
Icering dog 陳導犬 。 usr (生大を)使う人 mrm clock 目覚まし時計 ch by eeeh fde le teach @ で ちてはまる最も適当な英語を, 大のアからエまでの中から一つ選んで。 そのか な符和を書きなさい。 ア ck morc than other assistanee dogs to camy the nscrs イ do things as the ams or the legs of hc necr ウ ac loved by many people and Iive with the uscrs as pets エ ty to use hc bodies of the uscrs to do anythin (⑬) 下線ののついた文が, 本文の内容に合うように。 【 ] 内の語句を正しい順序に並べか えなさい。 Te ds ーーー (4) 本文中では, 聴導犬についてどのように述べられているか。最も適当なものを, 大のアからエ までの文の中から一つ選んで, そのかな符号を書きなさい。 ア Hearing dogs are better Ior people than guide dogs and service dogs. イ Hearing dogs work for pcople who cannot see things with thcir cyes ウ Hecaring dogs run much faster than any othcr kind of assistance does。 エ Hearing dogs understand many kinds of sounds instead of the users @) 次のアからカまでの文の中から, その内容が本文書かれていることと一致するものを全て選 んで, そのかな符与を書きなさい。 ア Assistance dogs are "fiends" of humans and help many people as pe Todsy。 in Japan。 the numbcr of hearing dogs is smallcr than the number of guide dogs。 Guide dogs see things and tell the users about the situatoon in front of them_ Service dogs can hear every Sound to help people who cannot hear any sounds. Assistance dogs are Hhe same as pet so thcy cannot enter resiarants with the wsens When you meet an assistance dog and the use you should give them food 還 き\ Hさ


