

1.各文の( )内から適当なものを選びなさい. にアパ () (Yoko is the woman.す Irespect her ) Yoko is the woman (who, whose, who (m) ) Irespect. ⑥⑲ (Twork with the man.+ Hs daughter is apianist. ) Twork with the man (who, whose, whom ) daughter is a pianist (⑲) Doyoukmowtheboy (who,whose,whom ) isrunning over Peelpe (4⑳ The girl (which, whose, who(m) ) Imet yesterday is his sister : (⑮) He is a musician ( who, whose, whom ) songs are loved by 1 young people. 2. 次の1)ご(⑩に続く適当なものを(ア)一(エエ)から選び,[ ]内に記号を入 れなさい.また( )内にはwhich,whoseのどちらかを入れなさい.(テ (①) This is the concert ticket [ 遇: の Wecouldmoind aresaurant [ 1 (⑨Thave adog [ ] : (⑭ Tbought a new book 上 1]細 (⑦) ( ) was open. 1 (《④) ( ) ears are very long. ②( ) cowerwasvery beautitu | (69) (( ) you have wanted. : = ーー ー
jet 7 IWA ちりにはwho0ee(玉) Ui 3 わりにはwhowe(記 MM yhpehmadiadoo The mm amt+⑥ mkezwey mu の上的蘭の代わ! し。 | WCー WW間還mm De shem iltewyme 陸 which。 thet 先行賠が [人以外」 の旨合は主格・上拘はhioh, that 所有格はWhOSe. で 目69竹の関係代名則は, 省路することかできる (の⑦. ⑧ の文の関係代名詞のうち省略できるものを( )でくくりなさい 省略できる部分がない場合はXを記しなさい. iz-で レンル () This is the TV program which children iike Yery much 3 9 mde rs (⑫ The letler which came today is fom my unce (⑲ The actor whom Ilike best plays the lead in the movie. 3) actor 「刊條」 Jly te ed 日KGrtgialmes [ま条をじる] 日本文の意味になるように, ( )内の語句)を並べかえなさい. KSrTgee (0!) 私は両用を折った少女に病院で会った MI (agirl broken, saw, legs, whose, were ) (9) cty hall「市役所]」 。the bus the ciy bal ) 5が玄剛で待っている よ・ (9 atthe door 「雪で」 jsee waiting ) pag tis bought)


