

加] 次の英文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。(》 上X12) 隔90 人 Adde ResRo 1 Japan,Tsailed across the Pacihe Ocean to North Ameica。 0 y Sd Was Vancouver, Ganada. Tasked for waste oilin many restaurante and hotels there. HHowever,(①my requests were often refused because peonle knew tle about biodiesel fuel、(②( disappointed / feel / made / that / me )、 St as people heara about my project, they started bringing me waste oil from their homes. ③It took mea few_days to process the ol into biodiesel fuel。 After the process was finished, twas able to start ( ④ ) my journey again、When Tran ( ⑤ ) of fuel Istopped an ⑥(waste ot / for / people / asked ) again. A month 1ater, T left Vancouver ( ⑦⑰ ) the U8. More and more people helped me on my journey、Some people e-mailed their friends about my project。 Surprisimgy。 whent arrived in their town。 they ⑧( already colect ) waste oiL for me. Tn San Francisco,people even held a welcome party for me. Itraveled from Los Angeles to the Grand Canyon an then to the East Coast。 To save fuel I had to drive carefully. Vasco-5 and Tent acros9. the North American continent and 5naly arrived ( ⑨ ) Washington, D.C.on Apmi 19th. 語で答えなさい。 人 。 ッッ ほまとら人 のっ 2 .⑥の ( ) 内の語句をそれぞれ正しく並べかえなさい。 CX融は大交字で書く ⑫ AI efce| dssapPckted @ ecke ee Jre2te el 暫 の・⑨・②・⑨の ( ) に入る押な1和をそれぞれから志び 記号で千えなさい。 アドon 二5eEfoD ウ.m エエ. out 0 2 に 2 -セゼル徐料 にやてす3 2 BAが> Fs ) ⑧の() 内の秋殺を正しい衝に直して半 8 (lecte のOc apaveocBxをeea ※同じ記 ま Yancouver is the frrst city that the writer visited.〇O 1 iv 81m. イ. As soon 88 the writer received yaste oil he started driving 8 。 Ag d to drive carefully becau8e is car was ol. 号を使用してもよい ウ. The writer ha
にえなさい、 12) 同 kowxewcc om Tan epie woeerdrVeeoswere stonefr me withwaseeh Some peonle chemed me notonlv ol but ml toot ra place tostav or ree。 Other Lo day oTfrom workto collect waate clor me Moreover.(のothereonle uperted me mo hat Toouid pmss through the borierm be 5 carried sn OHmwaual machine cn it few borler ofhceralet me mes thrmugh the een countee。 Simee Va order emsiy Twas mved by the (kimd) orthe eople who hdlped me NMeetne ameh good people fom diTsrent rmces and countiiee was the mosL predious ER or me mthis pume More than 1000 people cnered waste oil to me throughout the jourmey My joumey proved thet T omid travel around the world by using waste oi In fact。 Vaseo.5 ueed 6540 Lters) ofolto make thejoumey。 Here is lessonTleaned mom this adyenturm Tremcl orusin the world makes s amatl etort。 we wil be able to produce bigreeults 0) 下和疫を日本語にしなさい。 の 2の 人は2rできたか。 日4でをえたさい ps敵 っ で あアニッ 9 義親の如きなさい soal (9 下絵部のの下を日本語で者きなさい。 。 wmえっファイプ生還見柄ホびり村叶で 秦とて"のら、 (| @の ( ) 内の大を正しい形にしなさい< Edge @ 5 0 日本語で赤きなさい。 いと雪ちゃhe大そ人5条でまうはすかの 計 の 内リバ ものには( のないものにはXを書きなさい。 (2人 の①) Many peemeboughtollfor the writer throughout thejoumey. のゆ4immpawuwutm llecting used vegetable oi GO
[| 炎の半をWWんで、各軸いに Good morning, everyone、Welcome to Yakushimal Thank you very much for joining えなさい。(2 加x6) our eco-tour。 My name is Suzuki Kenta。 and Tm your guide for the tour、 First,T am going to give you a short orientation、After that。 we wi start the tour. We return to this ofice tomorrow evening. ( ア.ところで ),do you know what an "eco-tour'is2 ① Itis a trip in which people are asked to be more responsible for the environment.( イ. 言い換えると ),weneed to be more careful ( ウ.傷つけないように ) the environment while were on the tour. Yakushima was registered as Japan's hrst Natural World Heritage Site in 1998. Since then,( エ. 観光容の数 )tothis island has greatly increased. Ofcourse,were very happy to have so many tourists, but this has caused some problems. (のFor example、plants long some mountain pathe have been stepped on and_damaged_by the tourists So, efore starting the tour, Twant all of you to understand the meaning of eco-tours. 1. 下線部①を関係代名詞を使用せず、 2 文にわけて書きなさい。 2. 下線部②を日本語に訳しなさい。 信り ぇ④、ひ 6いの補ptヶ規光宏 (すっっ者まひ、イ第っけらいそてまり! みしでo 3 ⑦) - (エ) の日本語をそれぞれ敵語に直して書きなさい。 ※文頭は大文字で書くこと ラ 償 De we7 エ。cゆey gggdg の got でo dozd92 エ eo oeとoO ouy克て5


