✨ ベストアンサー ✨
Some(S) of the students go(V) to university, they(S) take(V) online classes(O) at home.
→ 英文にS+Vをつなぐ接続詞がなく、また内容に矛盾があります。
⇒ Some university students take online classes from home instead of going to the university campus. [15]
It has [some benefits] that they don't have to go to the campus.
前文があれば、上記の they don't have to go to the campus は不要になります。
⇒ It saves them time and money. [6] それは彼らには時間とお金の節約になります。
But, It also as bad points, for example, they may have problems with ther computers or Internet connection during online classes, and they may feel lonely.
⇒ However, it has some bad points; they may have problems with their computers or their Internet connection during online classes. [20] ※✕But, → 〇But …/✕However … → 〇However,
Moreover, they may feel lonely because they have fewer chances to meet other students. [14] [55 words]
You're welcome!😊