

基本 1 [A] 次の会話文(1)・(2)の空欄に入れるのに最も適当なものを,下の①~④のうちから1 つ選べ。 基本 (1) A When is your job interview? B It's tomorrow. ( A Don't worry. I'm sure you'll do fine. B: I hope so. (1) I'm sure I'll succeed. (2 I think it's easy. I like interviews. (4) I'm so nervous. ) . (2) A Would you like to go out to dinner or to a movie? B: ( ). A But which would you prefer? B Well, then how about dinner? I'm hungry. (1) Either one. It's up to you. 2 No, I'd like to stay home. 3 Let's go and see a movie. I'd like to go out to dinner. daue os ad
【B】 次の会話文の(1)~(3)に入れるのに最も適当なものを,下の①~⑤のうちから1つ選 べ。ただし,同じ選択肢を二度以上用いてはならない。 Simon Do you know my friend Paul? Nancy (1) Simon Well, he has blond, curly hair. Nancy Is he tall? Simon No, he isn't. ( 2 ) Nancy I got it. He wears glasses, doesn't he? Simon That's right. He's always reading. Nancy (3) Simon Well, he's going to take an exam to be a doctor next year. Nancy I think he'll pass it because he studies so hard. TA) (1) How old is he? 2 He's average in height. 3 What does he look like ? 4 What kind of books does he write? That's why I often see him in the library. 001 1 baim Toy sounds lwo jedt 998 dan wor 基本 (1)() samo escasqal nad gaites prom un coivom namA (2) ( B-D-C- (1-A-0-8 0-A G 基本 基本 (3)(
2 【A】 次の(1),(2)のA~Dは並べかえると二人の交互の会話になる。それぞれ次の①~ ⑥のうちから正しい並べ方を1つずつ選べ。 基本 (1) A When I lived in Paris, I went to the *Arc de Triomphe very often. B C I'd like to, but I must be going now. For three years. Do you want to see the photos I took there? D I've never been to France. How long did you live there? E) *Arc de Triomphe= 1 A B C D 2 A C B D (3) A D B C (4) D-AC-B (5) D-BAC (6) D C B A ) (2) A I don't think so. I like some Japanese movies very much. B They're showing Akira Kurosawa's "Kagemusha" in the hall near our school. C Really? You must see that! You'll change your mind after seeing it. D I think American movies are more interesting than Japanese ones. ①1 B-A-C→D 2 B-C A D 3 B-D CA 4. D-A-B-C 5 D→B-A-C 6 D C A B ( (E


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

①Bさんの( )の後に、don't worry.とAさんが言っていることから、Bさんは何かを心配している、もしくは不安に思っている。要はプラスの感情かマイナスかを考えたらマイナスな訳です。選択肢から、マイナスの感情はI'm so nervous.「とても緊張しています」ひとつだけ。その他の選択肢は「成功するはず!」「簡単だと思う」「インタビューが好き」と、プラスであると同時に文脈に合わないので…と考えるとどうでしょうか!!





would like to〜は want to〜の丁寧バージョンです。
Bさんの( )を挟んで


と聞いているので( )には、

※No, I'd like to stay home.だとBさんは行きたくないと言ってるのにAさんが「え、それでもさどっちかと言ったらどっちがい?✩」としつこい奴になってしまう気がします
