

(3) Q2 Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words so that it has the same meaning as the underlined text in the third paragraph. and ( 1 ) ( 2 ) made it obligatory to take the TOEIC test, ( 3 ) D ( (8pts
Unit 4 ワード数 DATA 177 01 制限時間 20分 [速読目標時間] (wpm:100w/m) 1分46秒 1回目 分 2回目 99 (972 pp.16-19) TR10-13 (50pts) Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. TOEFL and TOEIC are well-known tests for English learners in Japan. Many college students are supposed to take either or both of them. They both measure the four skills of English: listening, speaking, reading and writing. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a test for people who wish to 05 study at college in English-speaking countries. The questions are related to academic study or campus life. Students who want to study abroad on a scholarship are required to get a *qualifying score on the TOEFL test. TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is a test intended mainly for businesspeople whose native language is not English. The questions are normally 10 about business topics, such as negotiation or making contracts. In recent years, more Japanese companies have made it obligatory to take the TOEIC test, and so have colleges. If you are a Japanese high school student, you will be required to take either R TOEFL or TOEIC sooner or later. It would be a good idea to check what these tests are 15 like on the Internet.


more Japanese companies have made it obligatory to take the TOEIC test, and so have colleges.

Mike likes sushi. (マイクは寿司が好きだよ)
So do I.(私もだよ)
のように「so+動詞(do dose did have)+主語」の形で「主語もそうだよ」ということができます。

下線部の「and so have colleges」も同じように考えると「colleges もそうだよ」となります。

まとめると、collegesもJapanese companiesと同じようにhave made it obligatory to take the TOEIC testであるということです。

