

2 alds 3 Exercises 1 日本語に合うように、英文を完成させなさい。 A 1. 私が謝るまで、 彼女はずっと私に腹を立てていた。 She angry with me until I apologized to her. 2. 彼女が私に電話をくれた時、私はちょうど帰宅したところだった。lqo ode When she called me, I home. O OY 3. 校長先生とは,学校のパーティーでお話しするまで一度もお会いしたことがありませんでした。 I the principal until I spoke with him at the school party. van is neggad (blueo) mas Jasbios ¤À À 4. 彼女は15歳になるまで, ずっとカナダに住んでいた。 SPEAR wond 3 USPR She in Canada until she turned fifteen. ( 内の語句を並べかえて, 英文を完成させなさい。 A B ob of slds od 1. Before I introduced him to Lisa, (her/already/with/talked/he/had). 私は彼をリサに紹介して 2. Mao (one hour/sleeping/ had/for/been) when her mother came in her room. 3. Takashi(until/done/never/volunteer work/ had) he entered high school. 4. Shohei(driving/three hours/had/for/been) when his smartphone rang. 5. (it/before/stopped/had/raining) you arrived at the station?au d'amo no? S Sand A ( 内から適切なものを選びなさい。 BCD ten min 1. You (receive / will have received/ have received) the letter by tomorrow.yo 2. I remembered I (see/have seen/had seen) the woman in the train a week befo the woman de a 3. I (looked / have been looking/had been looking) for you for one hour when VAM SH appeared. 4. I (have read/had read/will have read) the book five times if I read it one more 5. We talked about the movie which we (see / have seen/ had seen) before. JUAN 4 日本語に合うように,( に適切な語を入れなさい 。 総合 1. 母が帰宅するまでに,私は宿題を終えてしまっているだろう。


