

実戦テスト 1 次の文の (1) I know a girl ( who (2) The book ( 7 that (3) The street ( which 合格目標 解答 p.12 )に入る適切な語(句) を選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ) is standing at the door. 1 whose ) you are reading is very interesting. 1 whose whatidwani (4) #Mr. Hata loved the animals ( 7 which is 1 who live (5) Kyoto is an international city ( 7 which イ why 70点 次の 日本文の意味を表すように, 時間 40分 where vil odwI what ) leads to the school is narrow. 1 what when ) in the forest. that were ) many people visit every year. there I but 3点×5(15 に適切な1語を書きなさい I where I who lived
3 各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, (1) ~2) The man (3) やや難 放課後音楽を聴いて楽しむ生徒はたくさんいます。 There are a lot of music after school. 3) I know a girl. She plays the piano very well. know a girl The tree was cut by my father. It was old. { The tree よく出る { He has a dog yesterday was He has a dog with long ears. Ta に適切な1語を書きなさい。 plays the piano very well. was cut by my father was old. long ears. バイス (3) 「学校に通じる道は狭い」という文にする。 lead to ~「~に通じる」, narrow 「狭し 内な
4 次の文を関係代名詞を用いて、 同じ内容を表す文に書きかえなさい。 (1) The girl looks happy. She has a cat in her arms. (2) Last night I saw a strange thing. People called it a “UFO.” (3) Who is the man? You were talking with him. 5 次の()内の語(句) を並べかえて, 英文を完成させなさい。 (1) 私には泳ぐのがとても上手な友だちがいます。 have a (who / friend / swim / can) very well. I have a (2) ヤンバルクイナは沖縄に住んでいる鳥です。 `in / lives) Okinawa. 正答


