

① 正しい英文になるように,空所に入れるのに適切な語句をa)~d) から選び,記号で答えなさい。 1. ( d ) tennis is a lot of fun. AJABSTITO DA Fact A a) Play b) Played b d) Playing driving 2. My father's job is ( a) drive 3. My sister is good at ( a) ride b) rode 4. Sam is looking forward ( a) travel b) traveled d c) Plays ) a bus, to n C c) drove ) a unicycle. *unicycle: - c) to ride ) abroad. enblietoturolo to travel 1185 VE d) driven betzensini] ne Fact A FERNA T Fact A riding boqqote \of] 8 Fact C I should and a new hoopy d) to traveling \[\Inso \6\enigsmi \ tuontiw | A +++ABSTRETJSE ② 正しい英文になるように, [ ]内から適切な語句を選びなさい。 1. Rika enjoys [talking to talk] with her friends. Tresotho awers er to \fon \I\flet gniwor\ bemeras 2. I want [ watching /to watch] the TV series this evening. JE &TOR: 3. He promised studying to study ] math every day. 4. Cindy finished [doing to do ] her homework last night. 5. I gave up taking / to take ] a walk because of the heavy snow. elcem netts gied pritse\efsewe \I\fonniso 6. Remember [calling to call me when you arrive at Shinjuku Station. 7. I remember lending to lend ] James a comic book. I wonder when he will return it to me. 8. I tried [going)/ to go ] into the forest, and I lost my way in the middle of it. siiW2) USA hoirlanar A Fact B Fact B Fact B Fact B Fact B Fact B Fact B Fact B


✨ ベストアンサー ✨




もしかしたら2の(7)はto lendかもしれないです。あやふやなので、間違っていたらすいません。
to lendと lendingは日本語訳にした時、未来の過去のイメージに分かれます。
to lendは〜貸すことを    lendingは貸したことを〜    という感じです。
7番は未来の内容なので、多分to lendだと思います。

