
高校2年生 コミ英 定期試験 プリント

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【2】 次の文章を読んで、簡題に替えなさい。 Many tourists in Japan are surprised by the number and variety of バリューション マシーン (28)vending machines they can see. Although the number is increasing, in 2013 おどろく ふえてけてる 2013年か there_were still more than Emillion vending machines in Japan. The most してども popular items sold are drinks. Other products include food, tickets, cigarettes, のみもの たべもの 4ケット magazines, newspapers and toys. おもちゃ ざっし しんぶん To find the origin of Vending machines, we must go all the way back to ancient Egypt. The earliest vending machine is described in a piece of text, people were able to receive *sacred water by putting a coin into a machine. ふきん せいすい さいしん These days, some of the latest technologies are used to make vending かえよ machines. For example, now we can buy both cold and hot drinks from the same あったかい クレジットカード machine. We can pay not only with coins but also with paper money, credit cards 払える つめたい and electronic money. We don't even have to push buttons or pull a lever. We can レバーをひく simply touch a computer screen that gives us step-by-step instructions. スクリーン Many foreign tourists are also surprised that vending machines in Japan are また not the target of crime. They contain many products as well as money. In addition, many of them are placed outside on the street without protection. But DETE the crime rate in Japan is much lower than that of other countries. And perhaps 他の国より もしかすると this is the main reason why Japan has such a large number of vending 理由 ひくい machines. *sacred water 聖なる水、聖水 とても なに てきせつ (28) vending machinesは何を指しているか。 適切なものをマークしなさい。 【理解2】 しょっきあら ① 食器洗い機 せんたくき どうはんばいき ②洗濯機 ③ 自動販売機 じどうかいさつ ④自動改札 つぎ ぶん ほんぶん ないよう ばあい ばあい 次の文が本文の内容に合う場合には ①を、合わない場合には②をマークしなさい。 (29) The number of vending machines in Japan is growing every year. 【理解 2×4】 (30) The world's first vending machine was made in Japan.② まいとし lited エジプト (31) Some vending machines accept credit cards for payment. ① (32) Vending machines are not allowed to be kept outside in Japan. 外 きょか

