

12. There is an extra ( charge 2 money 3 pay 4 price () ) for sending packages by express mail. →163 13. Due to inflation, the ( ) of living has been rising. →163 1 wage 2 money 3 cost 4 salary (7x) 14. Kaitenzushi is a sushi restaurant where a conveyor belt carries plates of sushi past ( ) who can pick whichever plates they want. →164 1 clerks 2 chefs 3 customers waiters (*) 15. Someone who is traveling in a vehicle, airplane, boat, etc., but is not controlling it or working on it is called ( ). →164 1 a pilot 2 a passenger 3 a navigator 4 a pedestrian (**) 16. As expected, 60 out of 90 students sang popular songs for karaoke! That means ( ) of them prefer modern popular songs to old favorites. →165 1 two-three 2 two-threes 3 two-thirds 4 two-third (H) 17. The hall has the ( ) to hold 150 people. →166 1 capacity 2 landscape 3 presentation resistance () 18. I am a ( ) around here. →166 1 grocer 2 hanger 3 passenger stranger (***) 19. Applicants must have a good ( ) of both written and spoken English. →166 1 control 2 view 3 command 4 literacy (EN) ② 次の英文の下線部には誤っている箇所が1箇所ある。 その番号を選び、正しい形に直しなさい。 200Nowadays, a jumbo jet can lift 2nearly five hundred people and their 3luggages Dinto the air with its magnificent engine power. (t) →158 3次の日本文の意味になるように,( 内の語または語句を並べかえて適切な英文を作りなさい。 21. この問題をだれが引き起こしたか, 疑問の余地はない。 159 There (caused /is/ this problem/ for doubt / who / as to / no / room ). (A) 22. 母が誕生日プレゼントに何を欲しいのか, まったく見当がつかない。 → 166 (my mother/ any idea / for her birthday / what/I/ wants / don't have). (*)


