

不定詞(いろいろな形/原形不定詞) Track 24-25 UNIT 5 Reading ARE *examination, 24 カザフスタン生まれの義足アスリート, ハインリッヒ・ポポフが自分の半生を振り返ります。 I was nine years old when my life changed completely. During an doctors found bone cancer in my left leg. (be / cut / needed / off / the leg/to). But I wasn't giving up; I wanted to do sports again. Desc Sports were always my passion, and, like many children, I wanted to be a 5 professional football player. But I realized this would not be possible and started training for track and field events. My new *prosthesis, an artificial leg, was a new beginning for me. テーマ スポーツ (100) I am often asked why I chose to be a *sprinter. The point is, I run because I'm missing a leg. In other words, although I lost my leg, I learned something very 10 important: Accept your challenge and try to ( 3 ) it. Everything can be an opportunity if you only realize that it is. Note I started my sports career in 2001. In 2004, I participated in the Paralympics in *Athens for the first time and won three *bronze medals in the 100 meter, 200 meter, and *long jump. At the 2012 Paralympics in London, I won gold in the 100 meter 15 sprint. G 25 prinodail It sounds so easy now, but it wasn't always like that. My own experience makes me focus on helping others, especially children. I spend a lot of time visiting children in the hospital who are in a similar situation. I tell them: Don't stop doing the things that are important to you because something bad has happened to 20 you. Find a way to keep doing those things. When I pull up my *pant leg and show the children my prosthesis, you can see their eyes get big. But then they soon come to understand that everything is possible, even with a *disability. (291 words)
D "On 24 G4 ③3 Reading /41 ア Grammar /27 Writing /10 ①の( The leg needed to be cut off )内の語句を並べかえて、英文を完成させなさい。 ② 下線部②の具体的な内容を、日本語で説明しなさい。 (サッカー選手になること Vocabulary /12 イ ウ take a look at I turn your back on (③ に入れるのに最も適切なものを選び, 記号で答えなさい。 find fault with make the best of Listening /10 (Total) /100 (8点) (8点) (7点) (イ) FRIZUERS 下線部④を日本語に訳しなさい。 (9点) 私自身の経験は、他の人、特に子供たちを助けることに集中 させます。 G 5 本文の内容と一致するものには○を一致しないものには×をつけなさい。 ( 3点×3=9点) ( @ The writer lost his left leg because of a disease. ⑥ The writer first won a medal in the Paralympics in 2004. © When the writer shows the children his artificial leg, they try not to see it. )


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

① 〇
② △ → 〇プロのサッカー選手になること
③ 〇
④ 〇 → ◎自分自身の経験があるために、私は他の人達、特に子供たちを助けることに重点的に取り組みます。
1. 無生物主語(私自身の経験が) → 理由に変える(私自身の経験があるために)
2. 目的語(me私に) → 主語(私は)に変える

a. ( 〇 ) ← 第段落2番目の文(bone cancer(骨肉腫))はdisease(病気)だから
b. ( 〇 )
c. ( × ) ← ×they try not to see it(彼らは彼の義足を見ないようにする)は、最終段落の最初の文(子供たちが彼の義足を見ると、びっくりする)の内容と一致しない




You're welcome!😊
