

5 次の英文を読んで、後の問いに答えよ。 In the "New England winter of 1891, it was too cold to "exercise outside. James Naismith, a Canadian college teacher, wanted to give his students a game to play inside. He tied two fruit baskets to the walls of the school's gym. Then, he gave the young men a soccer ball to throw into the baskets. At first, the students got too excited at the new game, and they began hurting each other. So James "created some rules. For example, he said that the players could not push or hit each other. He also made another important change Because he was tired of taking the ball out of the baskets after every score, he cut holes in the bottom of the baskets. Then he made a list of 13 simple rules and called the new game "basket ball." James shared the rules with other teachers. Basketball soon became popular in North America because it was fun, easy to learn, and could be played anywhere. Both boys' and girls' basketball teams began playing all over America and Canada. Basketball has become one of the world's most popular sports, but even now the 13 rules from 1891 are part of the game. (注)* New England ニューイングランド (米国北東部6州から成る地域) exercise 運動する create 〜を生み出す, 考案する 問 次の英文を完成させるのに最も適当なものを, ①~④から1つ選べ。 James made changes to his new game 85 to make it more exciting to make it safer for players 3 to play it in the summer 4 to have smaller teams 問2 次の英文の質問の答えとして最も適当なものを, ①~④から1つ選べ。 86 What is true about basketball? It started as an outdoor game. It was difficult to learn at first. was first played by girls 4 It still uses James's rules. -11- 2021 Ⅰ秋ベーシック [英語]



問1で見るべきところは2段落目の最初の文から始まるthey began hurting each other. So James created some rules.です。生徒たちがお互い傷つけ合い始めた、つまりゲーム中にラフプレーのようなことが起こったため、ジェームズはルールを作ったということがわかります。その次にあるFor exampleから始まる具体的なルールの内容にも押したり殴ったりしてはいけないと書いてあります。
なので選択肢2のto make it safer for players(選手にとってそれ(his new game)がより安全になるように)が一番当てはまると思います。

問2は第2段落の最終文と第3段落の最終文but even now the 13 rules from 1891 are part of the gameでジェームズの作った13のルールが今でも競技に適用されているということが読めます。
