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Scene 2 朝美たちはシンガポール市内を車で移動しています。。 ? What are Asami and her uncle talking about? Asami: What are we going to do today? Uncle: First, we're going to visit Merlion Park. Asami: Is the park far from here? Uncle: No, it's not. You'll see the Merlion soon. Asami: I can't wait. Uncle: After that, we're going to have lunch. What do you want to eat? Seafood or chicken rice? Asami: I want to eat seafood. Uncle: OK. I'll make a reservation. 10 [58 words] 0 何をはなしてる?
d and Think O ords í:tər(z)] i(z)] ki(z)] 朝美はマーライオンを見に行き,ジョシュに見せるための動画を撮影します。 ? What is the Merlion? Hi, Josh. Look. We're now in Merlion Park. I'll show you the Merlion. It's a symbol of Singapore. "Mer" means "sea." The Merlion has the body of a fish and the head of a lion. It's 8.6 meters tall, and it weighs 70 tons. A lot of people are taking pictures of, it. There are some gift shops near the park. I bought some gifts for everyone. I'll give you these Merlion cookies, Josh. Can you see that Ferris wheel? We're going to ride it after lunch. [87 words] 10
Read and Think B w Words その日の夜、朝美は日本にいるメグにEメールを書きました。 ? How does Asami feel about overseas trips? Hi, Meg. Today we visited Merlion Park and rode the Ferris wheel. People call it the Singapore Flyer. It took us up to 165 meters. It was scary, but fun. We went shopping, too. I found four different languages on Singapore money-Malay, Chinese, 5 Tamil, and English. People in Singapore speak different languages. My uncle speaks Tamil and English, so I can communicate with him. Overseas trips are very interesting. We can experience different languages and cultures. 10 Asami hal IN AMD RASINGAPORE 金額の上部に4つの言語で 国名が書かれた bud] -) kéəri] icate èit] 5) pore láiər] ライヤー məléi] :z] 100 [78 words]

