

PP. 194-201 分詞(~された [されてい ます. (p.194) ■詞の前におく. 当にきれいでした。 巻 146 車を売っています. 147 Check uods wal i prisk におく. •んを見てごらん. lan られた写真です. れたままだった. うに走ってきた。 -148 149 (参p.197) <-150 -151 8D DRILLS & EXERCISES 1. 各文の( )内から適当な語を選びなさい. 1 1) Look at the (rising / risen) sun. It's very beautiful. DA 2) They are looking for the (losing / lost) dog. 3) Emma heard the (surprising / surprised) news from one of her friends. 4) Be careful of the (breaking / broken) glass on the floor. 5) Is this the famous picture (painting / painted) by Picasso? 6) The old man (living / lived) in that house is very kind. 7) What is the language (speaking / spoken) in your country? 8) The girl (working / worked) at the convenience store is my sister. 2. ( )内の動詞を現在分詞または過去分詞に直しなさい. 1) The man stood a magazine. 2) Dave looked at the result of the game. 3) He kept the book. ANGE 4) Let's go in Nagano. 5) They seemed to see the new building. 6) The treasure lies 3. 各文の( )内の語句を並べかえて, 意味の通る文にしなさい. 1) I (my camera, found, broken). I clesee 2) I (my sister, heard, playing) the piano in her room. I 3) Ted couldn't (understood, in, himself, make) Japanese. Ted couldn't 2 a (read) (excite) (write) (ski) (surprise) (hide) 2b the piano in her room. Japanese. somewhere in the mountain. 47


