

口07 Mr. Bell is the person ( )I obtained the information. の for what 2 from whom 3 with whose の to who 〈法政大) )I referred The professor sternly told the student, “Read the passage in my lecture." O that |08 2 to that 3 to which のwhich (センター試験) )you spent your childhood years? 3which 口09 Do you remember the house ( Owhere 2when の of which 〈芝浦工業大) 口10 Ghibli Museum is a place ( )I want to visit. のwhere 2 to where 3 to which の which 〈杏林大) He has been in the hospital for two weeks. That's ( today. ) he can't come O because 2 how 3why の the way 〈東京電機大) 口12 He talked about one of Salinger's novels ( ①which )I can't remember the title. whose 3whatever の of which 〈防衛大学校) 口13 He said he couldn't speak Russian, ( )was untrue. Owhich 2what 3why の how 〈名古屋外国語大) 口14 There are often special box seats at sports stadiums, ( watch games with food and drinks. )people can Owhere 2wherever 3which のwhichever 〈日本大) 口15 There was no objection from the man ( のof whom )I thought was sure to protest. 2 on whom 3who の by whom く桜美林大) 16 Last winter I went to Hong Kong, ( as warm as I had expected. Owhen wasn't 2where it wasn't where wasn't ④which it wasn't くセンター試験) 口17 seems easy at first often turns out to be difficult. O It 2 That 3 What の Which くセンター試験) The school is quite different from ( )it was ten years ago. (Owhich 2 that 3 as のwhat 〈東京経済大)
口07 Mr. Bell is the person ( )I obtained the information. の for what 2 from whom 3 with whose の to who 〈法政大) )I referred The professor sternly told the student, “Read the passage in my lecture." O that |08 2 to that 3 to which のwhich (センター試験) )you spent your childhood years? 3which 口09 Do you remember the house ( Owhere 2when の of which 〈芝浦工業大) 口10 Ghibli Museum is a place ( )I want to visit. のwhere 2 to where 3 to which の which 〈杏林大) He has been in the hospital for two weeks. That's ( today. ) he can't come O because 2 how 3why の the way 〈東京電機大) 口12 He talked about one of Salinger's novels ( ①which )I can't remember the title. whose 3whatever の of which 〈防衛大学校) 口13 He said he couldn't speak Russian, ( )was untrue. Owhich 2what 3why の how 〈名古屋外国語大) 口14 There are often special box seats at sports stadiums, ( watch games with food and drinks. )people can Owhere 2wherever 3which のwhichever 〈日本大) 口15 There was no objection from the man ( のof whom )I thought was sure to protest. 2 on whom 3who の by whom く桜美林大) 16 Last winter I went to Hong Kong, ( as warm as I had expected. Owhen wasn't 2where it wasn't where wasn't ④which it wasn't くセンター試験) 口17 seems easy at first often turns out to be difficult. O It 2 That 3 What の Which くセンター試験) The school is quite different from ( )it was ten years ago. (Owhich 2 that 3 as のwhat 〈東京経済大)

