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『 Dog in の~に出くわす 昭捨てられ 図 子犬 Part 1 Where can you enjoy washoku outside Japan? oku Aroun 現 cuisine [kwizi:n] widely [wáidli 現 Japanese cuisine is now widely popular all over the 1. In 2013, UNESCO added traditional Japanese world. intangible [intdendgobl] caitural [kaltjoral] heritage [hératidsl sCaiptare apJar] cuisine, or washoku, to its List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Intangible cultural heritage is not a building or a sculpture. It is a tradition or a custom such as a festival or cooking. Washoku has joined French cuisine, Mediterranean cuisine, and Mexican cuisine on UNESCOS list. More and more overseas restaurants serve Japanese 2 cuisine. The number has increased by three and a halí 3 times in the past ten years. Today, there are more BF than 88,000 in total. You can find them not onlv in Asian countries but also in the USA and Europe Asian [éizon] Europe [júarap L ▲a tempura restaurant in ▲a sushi bar in Seattle A: 12. themは何を指しますか。 3. itsは何を指しますか。 *not only A but also B
Read It Through qal mi an VaW omee A Answer true or false. InsTusjest 19fO bs 1. Traditional Japanese cuisine was put on the Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2013. 2. The Intangible Cultural Heritage List includes sculptures. 3. You can find more than two million overseas Japanese restaurants.
出くわす、3 昭捨てられた What kind of foods are used in overseas sushi? Part 2 niH What kind of Japanese food do these overseas restaurants serve? Of course. some serve kaiseki, sushi, fashion [fejan] or other washoku dishes in the traditional fashion. In customer(s) [kástamar(z)] those restaurants, customers can enjoy their meal in the same way as in Japan. Other restaurants, however, adapt Japanese food to local For example, sushi is sometimes served with Fresh vegetables, adapt [adáépt] tastes. sabayon sauce instead of soy sauce. sauce [s5:s] soy [ssi] topping(s) [tá:pig (2) filing(s) filig(2)] not raw fish, are often used as toppings or fillings. You may know California rolls with avocado inside, but some restaurants overseas even use fruits such as mango, strawberry, or banana on sushi. This new sushi was strawberry Istró:beri] fad [féed] accepted and is still popular. It was not just a fad. sushi with chicken and mango ▲California rolls 13. Itは何を指しますか。 12. This new sushiは何を指しますか。


