

助動詞(助動調+完了形) Figure 1 shows the average monthly high and low temperatures in London. As you It always rains in London. Gyou might have heard this before, but git does, e 天気·気候 * UNIT 3 O Track 12-13 Reading all year round; even in winter it's more rainy than snowy. 3 temperature at which water starts freezing. the Usually, locations closer to (°C)25 In High *North or South Pole are colder. 20 10 other words, if you are nearer to either 15 of the poles, you receive less sunlight Low 10 because the angle of the sun is lower. But then 。Why is London warmer than 51 3 any city in Hokkaido? When you look 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee 15 at a world map, you will notice that Figure 1. London Temperatures(°C) Average Daily High & Low by Month London is much closer to the North Pole than *Cape Soya is. Cape Soya is the most northerly point of the island of Hokkaido, and its average low temperature in( 2 )is -4°℃. 20 The answer to this question is a warm ocean current that flows northeast across 13 the Atlantic and brings warmth towards the *British Isles. The current called the *North Atlantic Drift carries warm water from the tropics and makes the British climate milder than that of another area farther south but not touched by the current. What about the summer weather in London? July is one of the hottest months 5 with an average high of around 22°C. Because the daily high temperature rarely rises above 30C, some hotels in London are not equipped with air conditioning. So, if it is very hot and you've found your hotel room has no air conditioning, you might think, G I should have checked this before reserving the room.” (302 words) *North(South] Pole 北極[南極] Cape Soya 宗谷岬 British Isles イギリス諸島 North Atlantic Drift 北大西洋海流 2|
w Veablary /100 Cramma /30 10 (9点) 0 下線部のの内容を、"does" の表す内容がわかるように,日本語で説明しなさい。 (1年中雨かP年っている 12 (9点) ( 2 )に共通して入る語を書きなさい。 (7点) 下線部3に対する答えとして最も適切なものを選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ア Because an ocean current carries warm water towards the British Isles. ィ Because London is an inland city far from the ocean. ウ Because London is farther from the North Pole than any city in Hokkaido is. Because the angle of the sun is lower in London than in Hokkaido. エ (ア) (10点) G 4 下線部のを日本語に訳しなさい。ただし,“this" の内容がわかるように訳すこと。 6 本文の内容と一致するものには○を,一致しないものには×をつけなさい。(3点×2=6点) ② 冬のロンドンは,雨の日よりも雪の日が多い。 6夏のロンドンは,気温が30℃を超えることはほとんどない。 al b (o U airt


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

[1] 〇 
[2] January ☚ 本文5~6行目(1月の方が2月より差が少ない ← 温度の高低差が最小)/January/February ← 本文3~5行目(1月と2月の最低気温がほとんど同じ ← 一年で最も寒い月)
[3] 〇
[4] ホテルの部屋を予約する前に、ロンドンにあるホテルの中にはエアコンを備えていないホテルがあるということを確認するべきだった。
※this=前文の some hotels in London are not equipped with air conditioning
[5] 〇




You're welcome!😊
