

Come under this heading, and are spending an average of 4 hours each day on care. 60% d of second-year public junior high and 4.1% of second-year public senior high school students |I|次の文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。(~~~~のついた語句は文末に注があります。 |was to create opportunities for the yOung to talk to a school social worker about the domestic issues that were keeping them from attending class without young people who are obliged to help with the care of a family member. It reports that 5.7% has revealed one very different reason for absence, and that is the increase in the number d In its latest study, the Japanese government is making an effort to identify the rees for long-term absence from school. Long-term absence at elementary, junior and senior high levels has various causes, not least of which is the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The study ow the former, and more than half of the A are looking after a younger brother or siste- though the exact figure is not known. The Asahi Shimbun's article of April 14", 2021 also described the case of one shudee who was looking after a grandparent with dementia because both her parents were working and her absence from school was because she could not get up in the morning. Instead of being treated as a separate reason in itself, like a student's refusal to attend school, or sickness, or economic considerations, family care is put into the category of 'other B to highlight the problem. Despite the recent introduction of reasons'. This does not school social workers, and the understanding that domestic issues are often at the root of school absence, much more needs to be done to provide support to enable these young carers Japanese society still expects the C to have enough time to spend on their studies. family to care for its members. The mental health of these young carers is an important issue, though this problem cannot be solved unless the whole domestic environment in which they are placed Is improved. This has led to the criticism that. although the government study may hdVC nelped to identify some of these young carers, there is not enough actual support bes offered. AS early as 2015, Minami Uonuma City conducted a survey which tried to ldeirers) specific cases in which young children were acting as carers. and then started to p them with real support. D the fear that this might reflect badly on their family.
Another approach has been for professional care managers to hold a hearing wid ne Taminy in an attempt to help its membeprs cone with the double burden of work (or schoo!) and home care for a family member Various forms of financial support are explained when necessary, and training sessions for voung carers are also being introduced from this year. E that the mental health of these carers is as important as the actual care of the person in need. But Japan trails countries like the UK. where local authorities are obliged by law to identify and offer support to any carer under 18. ranging from training to online counselling and advice, and professional home care support. (Original text) nngsl sds to lad anb ndool y g注 dementia : 認知症 019w odw social workers: ソーシャルワーカー、 社会事業相談員 aubptni odt asql eoldong Dlesd sdomestic: 家庭内の asd ensow Isipo 90sl en918 空欄 に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれの中から1つずつ選 問1 A E Istoo ぴ、番号をマークしなさい。 J 10ggue ayg of ア number 3) second pole FA.(1) latter TS3(3) refuse ) b want d イ B.(1) agnee help 2 For example (3) Hovteyer (4) Likewise ウ C. ) Except 2 ? Phe idea (3) The person (4)Thelwork エ D.(1) The family Thisrecognizes E. (1) This hopes 2 This ignores 3) This prefers オ
一線 (1) ~ (5) の意味に最も近いものを、それぞれの中から1つずつ選び、 問2 、香号を マークしなさい。 (1) (1) believed 2 fofced 3) free v4) known カ feeding (2) (1) enjoying being with 3 taking.gare of (4 worrying about キ 4 made special (3)(1) made better (2) made cleaner made equal り 3 showing gu suggesting (4) (1) helping (5) 0 forget e0urno preventing ケ (2) increase 81(3)manageo1 1 4) realize コ pouic carc anbbor 問3 次の文を読んで、本文の内容と合っているものには10を、合っていないものには②をマー クしなさい。 (1) More than half of the Japanese students who were surveyed, and who were young carers, were looking after an old or sick member of their family. 2 サ (2) In Japan, the introduction of school social workers has not solved many of the basic シ problems young carers face. ス (3) The government has criticized the latest study of young carers. 2 (4) Minami Uonuma City started to give support to young carers through sch0ol social. セ workers. 15dman ソ (5) The UK offers less support for young carers than Japan. 2 1og eldT


