



活用問題 Reading のロクモ(spider)についての次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。 (栃木改) Do yóu like spiders? Most of you will answer, "No." You may be scared when a spider appears suddenly. You may think spiders are dangerous and want to get away from them. But wait a minute! Spiders are( ) creatures. You know spiders make webs. The webs are made of spider silk and can catch many things. Have you ever seen webs covered with water drops? Yes, spider silk can catch water in the air. Scientists have studied the great power of spider silk. They thought it would be a solution to water problems. In some parts of the world, people don't get enough water. If they make something like spider silk, it will help people living in such places. Spider silk is very thin, so we think it is weak. A However, it is so strong, light and elastic that we want to use it for clothes. But collecting a lot of spider silk is difficult. B So, ( found / have / make / scientists / to/ ways ) artificial spider silk. C The clothes have become stronger and lighter. D In addition, the artificial spider silk is good for the earth and our future. We must use oil to make other artificial fibers, but we don't have to depend on oil to make artificial spider silk. If we use it, we can save oil. Like this, from spiders, we can learn some ways to live in the future. You have found that spiders have ( ) powers. Now, can I ask the same question again? Do you like spiders? 注 creature 生き物 web クモの巣 spider silk クモの糸 water drop 水滴 thin 細い elastic 伸縮性がある artificial 人工の fiber 繊維 (1) 本文中の( ア joyful )に共通して入る語を, ア~エから1つ選びなさい。 ウ careful イ amazing I boring (2) 下線部が「だから, 科学者たちは人工のクモの糸を作る方法を発見しました」という意味になる ように,( )内の語を並べかえなさい。 次の英文を入れるのに最も適する位置を, 本文中のA~Dから1つ選びなさい。 By using this, some companies are making wonderful clothes. 14) 本文の内容にあうものを, ア~エから1つ選びなさい。 ア We think spiders always appear in dangerous places. 1 Spider silk can get water and make oil from the earth. ウ We should buy the clothes to save spiders. Spiders may give us several ideas to live in the future.


