
It was painted mountains and the morning sun.

Urushi is used for small crafts, and also for buildings made of wOod. It was als 次は、高校1年生の Moe が漆(urushi)について書いた英文です。これを読んで、問1~ of them were painted with "urushi," Urushi is used in many traditional crafts in Japan. Ne Around the sixteenth century, many people from Europe came to Japan. These Europeans really liked crafts made with urushi, so they bought a lot of these crafts. In Europe, rich peopl= In fact, the number of Japanese workers who produce urushi is Many old buildings in World Heritage Sites in Nikko also need a lea 「sap of these trees is used as paim decay slowly. Urushi ha Why did she buy me those chopstics This winter, I went to Ishikawa Prefecture with my family and visited some museums there 「valuable crafts made with urushi. After we left he Urushi has been used for over eight thousand years in Japn 3 enjoyed looking at all the beautiful and mother smiled, and boughta set of *chopsticks for me. made with urushi ? After I came home, I began to use them. They were very beautiful easy to use. rash, but it's safe World. There are five kinds of urushi trees in Japan. The 'bonding agent. If you touch the sap of urushi, then you'll get a or as a sets. touch urushi after it "preserved because they Crafts made with urushi are well preserved very old crafts, so it has played a very important role in Japan. used to build Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto. Of course, a lot of urushi is needed c. buildings. of urushi. の restormg traditional buildings like these only in Japan. Those crafts were called "japan" 。 'symbol of wealth. collected crafts made with urushi as a symbols of Japan. Of course, even today, urushi is famous as a symbol of Japanese traditional crafts TL the *Nagano Olympic Committee (NAOC) was planning the 1998 Nagano Olympic Winter Gam medals with urushi. NAOC thought that the medals sho it decided to make the winners' be made with original *materials and ^techniques. They also need to be beautiful and h- "permanent value. After thinking about all this, NAOC chose to make them with urushi painted mountains and the morning sun on them with urushi. Many foreign countries restore crafts made with urushi, too. Many of the crafts Europe from Japan now need to be restored. Urushi is especially *vulnerable to sunlig: crafts made with urushi are * damaged when they are in the sunlight. In Europe, some p. have tried to restore their Japanese crafts made with urushi with other materials and techn. because there are no urushi trees there. A But these materials and techniques didn't wor! with urushi. For example in Europe, some of the crafts have now turned brown. 10 Sue a group of Japanese “craftspeople recently visited Germany and restored some ot the ja 2020年·埼玉県(学校選択)(GA)
workshops to show students Mrushi In fact, some valuable crafts made with urushi should be The crafts made with urushi that I saw in Ishikawa were very beautiful. When we vou take care of them B in museums, But it is better to enjoy using them every day. She bought t traditional crafts in museums. urushi. (注) craft…工芸品 valuable……価値の高い chopstick………著 rash………発しん, かぶれ bonding agent… 接合剤 sap……樹液 (液体などが)固まる ~を保存する set…… preserve decay…腐敗する symbol of wealth… 富の象徴 Nagano Olympic Committee… …長野オリンピック冬季競技大会組織委員会 restore ~… ~を修復する medal…メダル material………素材 technique………技術 permanent value…(半)永久的な価値 ~を傷つける vulnerable…冒されやすい craftspeople………職人 間1 空欄の]-~[③]にあてはまる最も適切な文を,次のア~カの中から1つずつ選び,その 記号を書きなさい。なお, 同じ記号を2度以上使うことはありません。(各3点) ア However, almost all of the urushi used in Japan comes from abroad, and only 3% of the damage workshop………研修会 urushi used in Japan is made in the country. イ However, most of them don't need to be painted with urushi made in Japan because urushi made in other countries is better. ウ For example, about 1,500 kg of urushi was used to restore Kinkakuji Temple. I For example, if you breaka dish, you can restore it by using urushi as a bonding agent. オ But Kinkakuji Temple in Kyoto has been preserved for so long. カ It is because urushi made in Japan is too expensive to use for restoring. 問2 本文の内容に関する次の質問に,英語で答えなさい。(4点) What was painted with urushi on the winners' medals? 問3 空欄A Bにあてはまる最も適切なものを,次の中から1つずつ選び, それぞれ正 しい形にかえて書きなさい。(各3点) 000 break bring buy keep paint tell visit write 問4( )内のすべベての語句を正しい順序に並べかえて書きなさい。(3点) e


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

問題文にある疑問文では、Whatが主語になっています。このような疑問詞が主語になっている疑問文では、答えるときは主語+be動詞(be動詞は省略可)で答えます。ここでは”Mountains and the morning sun (were).”が答えになります。

