

★の会話において、1-6の空所に当てはまる景も自然で適切な表現を (A)~D) の中よりーつ選 3 び、その記号をマークせよ。 Sue and Yoko are talking about the weather. Suet Oh, it feels so chilly this moming. Yoko: When I woke up my car's front window was covered with frost. I had to apray it with water before I could go to school Sue: Who would have thought it could be this cold in early December, especially in a Warm city like Los Angeles? Yoko: I know. The temperature was five degrees Celsius whea I woke up this morning. Iwas freezing as soon as I got out of bed. The cold weather just hit me by Surprise. Sue It's been a long time since it was this cold in early December. Yoko: Prepare yourself for the rain this afternoon. Cold and wet! Sue Uh oh! 2 goirig to rain this afternoon? Yoko: Not only this afternoon, but also the rest of the week. Sue: 3 !I already bought tickets for the football game on Saturday afternoon. What shouldI do? Yoko: Don't worry, You can cancel the tickets and watch the game on TV instead. Maybe you can get a refund. Sue: 4 ! They don't give ticket refunds unless the game is cancelled And it has to rain really hard for that to happen. Yoko: Hey, cheer up! I heard the weather might improve on Saturday, There's even a itl be foggy, windy, and slight chance of sunahine in the afternoon, 5 rainy until the sun comes out this weekend. Sue: Well, anyway I'm glad that it rains sametimes even though I don't like rainy WBather. We've had a veBry dry season so far this year. Yoko: Yeah, 6 Well, as long as there's no thunder or lightning, I can bear it.
(C Itll be cancelled D No, I can't 5. (A so B and C but when V 6.(A) Ithink there wil be rain, thunder, and lightning B Ican hardly remember the last time it rained (C) I believe it has been raining this year D Iike rainy weather, just like you


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

選択肢A~Dのそれぞれの意味がわかれば、直前のSue の発言内容に合うのは、B しかないとわかります。

Sue の発言で手がかりになる部分
We've had a very dry season so far this year.
要約: 今年はずっと乾燥してる

それを受けたYoko の返答(B)
Yeah, I can hardly remember the last time it rained.
要約: 最後に雨降ったの覚えてないわ


ここでのso farって「ずっと」と訳すんですか、?


so far this year



