
英検準2級 2020年1月23日実施の英検です。

Akemi tried many different jobs before she became a teacher. Her parents are glad that ( ) she has found a job she enjoys doing. 1 in detail 2 in return 3 at the most 4 at last (12) A:Mom, where's Dad? He said he was coming to the baseball game with us. B:He had to work today, so he won't be coming ( 1 by chance 2 before long 3 after all 4 in control (13) The president said that his country was a good place to do business because ) natural resources such as natural gas and fresh water. 3 rich in it was ( 1 safe from 2 ashamed of 4 surprised by (14) A:Mom, is our plane flying directly from Tokyo to London? ) way of CIVC B:No, this time we are going from Tokyo to London ( Singapore. 1 by 9mno 9V69 3 for 2 on at (15) When Craig goes to his best friend's house, he always makes himself at ) and relaxes on the sofa. the time 1 the front 3 home 4 hand T2t Y: 0 mom aid one ) his breath while he was walking past the garbage near the ) 1on (16) Tom ( small river. He did not want to breathe in because it smelled so bad. 1 held 2 made 3 cut 4 stole Jennifer broke her leg last week, but she will still ( dodw ) a role in the school festival tomorrow. She is going to help sell cookies. brushoV lsi 2 show (17) ob:31/ tell 101 uo 4 play 1 25slg.sssi9 Xuls s 1ob10 of lil b'l : 8 (18) A:Beth, I thought you didn't like your job at Maxville Sales. Are you still sloo To sltods working there? B:Well, I'd like to quit. I (0oquoo ) to find a new job since last summer. 1 would be tryingon 2'vabot moit 2 u have been trying 3 to try 記d liw obro u04 (will try Siates W area': 10 00 (19) 4:Have you ever been to Europe, Ellen? ) France in the future. B:No, but I hope ( 2 3 Visiting 4 will visit 1 to visit visit (ot oime (20) A:Are you going to the party on Friday? B:Idon't know ( i gand )I can go or not. I have to ask my mom first. 1 what |2 that 3 whether 4 how


