

次の英文を読んで,設問に答えよ。 (小樽商科大) I Nearly every traveler who enters a new culture experiences some unpleasantness that has come to be known as culture shock. Jet travel makes possible the abrupt loSs of a familiar environment. / Experts believe that it is this sudden change that causes culture shock. Some of the symptoms are fear, sleeplessness, unusual irritation over 5 minor concerns such as suspicion about host foreigners, indecisiveness, and homesick- ness. / Don't be surprised if you forget much of the English you have learned the moment you enter America: that is also a temporary effect of culture shock. (1) It is fortunate that the cure for culture shock is very simple.| You must become familiar with the new environment. You can reduce the impact of culture shock by accepting it thoughtfully ahead of time. (2) It is a phenomenon you must pass through 10 just like customs at an airport. If you arrive at an American high school and feel culture shock, try to find an American you feel comfortable with and have a chat about any topic you might have in common (for example, love of baseball). |A feeling of being part of the new human environment begins the cure. 【注) abrupt「突然の」 1A~Eの問いの答えとして最適なものをそれぞれ選べ。<4点×5) A. What is the main topic of the passage? 壁%。4? O how to deal with culture shock 2 going to an American high school ③ homesickness as culture shock の how to develop culture shock
B. What causes culture shock according to experts? ~に上 0 new language 2 strangé culture 3 sudden change new culture C. Which is the best thing to do, if you feel culture shock at an American high school? の try avoiding an American 2 try writing to an American 3) try chatting with an American D. How can you reduce culture shock before leaving? try loving baseball O by fighting it 2 by accepting it ③ by sharing it O by analyzing it E. What starts the cure for culture shock? ①a sense of leadership 2a sense of friendship 3a sense of fellowship 2 下線部(1)を他の1語で書き換えよ。<3点〉 のa sense of belonging 3 下線部(2)を Itの指すものを明らかにして和訳せよ。〈7点)


✨ ベストアンサー ✨


B.は③。上から3行目、Experts からshock.までに書いてあります。
C.は③。下4行のIf以下に書いてあります。have a chat about any topic
D.は②。9行目から10行目、You can reduce
E.は④。下2行、A feeling of being part of = sense of belonging

3は、It = culture shock
pass through(通る、越える、通過する、経験する)

