

学習日 8 The Case of the Dentist's Patient 歯科医院での患者殺人事件 1 Dr. Williams, a New York dentist, was getting ready to take an *"X-ray on the left 1)9 side of his patient, Dorothy Hoover. The door behind him opened silently and hand appeared. It was wearing a white glove and holding an *"automatic pistol. Bang! Bang!Two *°shots sounded. Miss Hoover fell over in the chair. She was 5 dead. 2 “We've got a **suspect for the shooting,"” *5Inspector Winters told his chief at his office two hours later. “The elevator boy took a nervous man up to Dr. Williams' office, a few minutes before the shooting. The boy described the man and I am sure 2) he is John Burton. He was **in prison before. This evening we found him at his 10 *7rooming house. Ive told him that I only want to ask him a few questions." 3 Burton was brought in and he angrily said, “What is all this about?” orno os s “Have you ever heard of a Dr. Williams?” asked the Inspector. uon To bal 6W “No, I haven't. Why?” replied Burton. BA (6 “"Dorothy Hoover was shot to death less than three hours ago as she sat in a chair in Dr. Williams' office," the Inspector explained. 15 “I was sleeping all afternoon," said Burton. “An elevator boy says he took a man who looked ike you a moment before the shots were heard,” the Inspector told Burton. *It wasn't me," Burton insisted. “A lot of 3) *8 guys look like me. I haven't been 20 in a dentist's office since I came out of prison. You are mistaken." We have good *"proof to send you back to “No," *°interrupted the chief, 1 265 words I prison for a very long time!" VB yer bnet
★ Check A 段落ごとに, 内容が理解できているか確認しよう! 1 下線部 1)のa hand の特徴を,日本語で具体的に説明しなさい。 2 下線部2)を日本語に直しなさい。 3(1) 下線部3)の It がさす内容を,日本語で答えなさい。 (2) 下線部 4)について, その証拠となった1文を本文中から抜き出しなさい. またその1文が One 証拠となる理由を,日本語で説明しなさい。 108long yiarovinn! 理由 TM0 OOUジ 11 IC 00 0 00 10012 MS2 00 8W S 00 ddo oifl 000 980 i beyelg asv oiauM Joiup 0 Check B 本文全体の内容が理解できているか確認しよう! 1.次の a)~e)は左の各登場人物を説明したものです. それぞれの人物は a)~e)のどれにあたるか 0を,()内に書きなさい O Williams へ t a)警視 doot od yab sn0 oibr adt 2 Hoover muol b) 警視の上官 oggnigsleg olat 9d od3 Winters c)歯科医 urto te cnsa oの the chief d)容疑者 p pe conpg Bet Burton e)被害者 2. 次の質問に英語で答えなさい. aslg bns elsmins os lge (1) What was the dentist doing when the two shots sounded? me) alainsb2 (2) Where was Burton found by the Inspector? ab (3) According to Burton, what was he doing when Miss Hoover was Klled?
joy reader2 英語 高校2年英語


