
左の写真の四角13番の④の「My father let me use his computer(父は私に彼のコンピュータを使わせてくれました。)」と右の写真の3番の(3)の「My father lets me play the video game.」の文で、「let」に「s」がつくのとつかないのかの違いが分かりません

AlI S WUT U3 OTTし 4 What made you sad? ③ The letter made me excited. ⑤ Practicing baseball makes them tired. 13 PROGRAM 3-3 OI made my dog drink milk. ② Taku always makes me laugh. ③I helped my mother cook dinner last evening. ④ My father let me use his computer. 6 Good sleep makes you health 14 ★くり返し PROGRAM 3のまとめ O We call this statue a komainu in Japan. ② What do you call your si 3 Who calls you Kazuyan? ⑤ Talking too much made the girls tired. ⑥ The picture made the chil. O Rei let her dog swim in the pool. 8 Let me know your name, please. ③I didn't help my brother do his homework. - My brother does. ④ The movie made us 15 PROGRAM 4-1 O The boy playing soccer is John. ②I know the girlsdancing over the 3 The woman playing the piano is my teacher. ④I know the boy runn 6I don't know the man talking with Taku. ⑥ The girl standing by the- 6 PROGRAM 4-2 OI bought a book written in English. ② This is the cake made by Emi ③ Is that a car washed by Ken every day? ④ This is the picture taken by n ⑤I visited a temple built about 800 years ago. ⑥ I received a letter wr
ファイルにとじて、復習に活用しようこ (4) My friend helped me { clean, cleans, cleaned } the music room. (3 leave (5) Kenta named { his dog Ponta, Ponta his dog }. L(name+人など+名詞>3 (人など)を(名詞)と名づける clean 3 文の書きかえ [ ]の指示に合うように, ( )に適する語を書きなさい。 (5 his dog Ponta (1) Iwas sad to read Saki's letter. [ほぼ同じ内容の文に] Saki's letter ( 「~して悲しい」 ) sad. (3点×3) 3知識技能 5点×3 (2) I call him Alex. [下線部をたずねる文に] ) do you( 1 made me ) him? |2 What(How) call (3) I play the video game. [「父は私に~することを許します。」という文に] My father ( Foo9 lets me )( ) play the video game. 主語が三人称·単数·現在の文なので, 動詞はsをつける。 (3点×4) 4知職技能 5点×4 京 4 de 英文の完成 only also 日本語に合う英文になるように, ( )に適する語を書きなさい。 (1) あなたは英語だけではなく数学も勉強しなければなりません。 )math. |2 Wake [Get] up You have to study not ( ) English, but ( get rest )! It's nine. (2) 起きなさい。 9時ですよ。 (3) どうぞ休んでください。 (4) 幸運を祈ってください。 Please ( luck Wish me ( 「幸運」 GRAMI

