

総合問題 > [読解]次のマーク(Mark)のスピーチを読んで, あとの問いに答えなさい。 オリジナル読解問題 Hello, everyone. I'm Mark. Today, I'm going to talk about my favorite movie. I saw a movie three years ago *for the first time. It was about a boy. He wanted to bea professional basketball player, so he practiced it every day. But one day, he injured his leg and he stayed in a hospital for about two months. His doctor said, “You will not be able to pláy basketbait again." He felt yery sad, but he never gave up. He worked hard, and finally got * better. Iwas very impressedto see the movie. ス I()() it many ( )*since then. I have 2 a dream to be an English teacher. I will never give up like him. Now, I recommend you to see this movie. Thank you. (注) for the first time 初めて better well の比較級 since then それ以来 口(1) 下線部のとほぼ同じ意味の英文になるように,次の英文の に適する語を書きなさい。 (30点) The movie very impressed. 口(2) 下線部2が「私はそれ以来,何度もそれを見ています。」という意味の英文になるように,( )に適 する語を答えなさい。(20点) I it many since then. 口(3) 下線部3を日本語に直しなさい。 (20点) 口(4) 本文に関する次の質問に英語で答えなさい。 (30点) When did Mark see the movie for the first time? 47


