

Round 2 Focus on the Details 本文を読んで,次の質問に答えましょう。 O Why did Ishii Shigeyuki decide to design custom-made wheelchairs? Who uses his company's wheelchairs? What do athletes tell the company? Round 3 Think and Express Yourself 1本文の内容を4文程度でリテリングしましょう。 各文の始まりは, 以下を参考にしてもかまいません。 ① There is 文章の内容などを,もう一度(別の言い方で) 伝えることを「リテリング」というよ。 ② The company's wheelchairs are 3 The company listens .. ④ It uses technology to にまとめて,発表しましょう。 2 この記事から学んだことを, 下の文の This article told me that 2 moan?
carefully to their opinions. They use technology to make the best wheelchair for each athlete. Technology あさみ 表を終えた朝美に, 戸田先生が英字新聞の記事を見せてくれました。 2 What is supporting athletes around the world? Technology Makes Sports Possible for Everyone There is a special wheelchair company in Chiba, Japan. It was established by Ishii Shigeyuki. He himself was a wheelchair user, and was not satisfied s 5 with ordinary types. So he decided to design custom- made wheelchairs. They were lighter, stronger, and sportier. Kunieda Shingo and Kamiji Yui use his company's wheelchairs in their matches. These athletes show the world that wheelchairs can be functional and 10 stylish. Athletes tell the company that wheelchairs are 1:ke part of their bodies. So the staff members listen owefully to their opinions. They use technology to 15 . c1upporting more and more athletes around the world. [113 words)


