

5 100 点 次の英文は美紀(Miki)が書いたものです。これを読んで,あとの各問いに答えなさい。 (高知) II tell you about a "cellphone. If you use this, you can talk with your friends |anytime. You can send e-mails, listen( ① ) music and even watch TV. Many people use cellphones because they are very useful. Many young people think they can't live without cellphones. Last Sunday when I 5 was eating dinner with my mother at a restaurant, a young man and a young woman sat at the table( ② ) us. Soon they started sending e-mails on their cellphones without talking with each other. Even when they were having their dinner, they didn't stop sending e-mails. My mother said to me, “I often see young people ( ) them. They don't enjoy talking with each other. I don't think cellphones are good for 10 young people." There are other problems with cellphones. Many students with cellphones don't *spend much time with their families. When the。(child) finish eating dinner, they soon go back to their rooms and start sending e-mails to their friends. I don't have a cellphone, but my friends do. They often say to me, “Why don't you 15 have a cellphone, Miki ? If you have one, we can *exchange e-mails every night.” I was interested ( ③ ) exchanging e-mails with。them, but soon I found that there a big problem. One day one of them said to me, “I get about twenty e-mails was every night, so I need a lot of time to answer these e-mails. Sometimes I don't have time to do my homework.” I think we lose something by using cellphones too much. 20 の Let's spend a week without using cellphones. If you 2 do it, your life will *change. You can enjoy talking more with your friends. You can have a good time with your family. You can read more books. A week later, "I'm sure you will say, “I can live ( 3 ) a cellphone !" 【注) cellphone 携帯電話 anytime いつでも spend 過ごす exchange 交換する change 変わる I'm sure ~ きっと~だと私は思います [問1]( ① ) · ( ② ) · ( ④ ) · ( ③ ) · ( ③ )のそれぞれに入る語を次の中から1 つずつ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 ただし, 同じ記号を2度以上使わないこと。 (4点×5) ア like イ at ウ without エ On オ カ to キ in near 3 (
(明21 下線部③ · ①をそれぞれ日本文になおしなさい。 (3 [問3) 下線部の( )内の語を適切な形になおしなさい。 (問4] 下線部6· ).·②の具体的な内容を,本文中の語句で答えなさい。それぞれ( )内の 語数の連続する語句で答えること。 (2語) (7 (2語) 9 (2語) @(6語) (問5] 下線部Oの具体的な内容を40字前後の日本語(句読点を含む)で答えなさい。 15 30 40 45 ●文法の整理●一(前置詞)= D「時」を表す前置詞 (in+季節,月, 年,午前·午後/ on+曜日, 日付, 特定の日 / at+時刻など時の一点) We swim in summer. (私たちは夏に泳ぎます) (1492年にコロンプスはアメリカに到着しました) Columbus reached America in 1492. (私たちは日曜日に買い物に行きます) We go shopping on Sunday. (私は1月1日に生まれました) I was born on January 1. (父は6時に起きます) My father gets up at six o'clock. 2 「場所」 を表す前置詞 「~の近くに」) 「~の下に」,near (in ~「~の中に」, on ~ 「~の上に,~に接して」, under ~ (私は東京に住んでいます) I live in Toky0. (私のペンが机の上にあります) My pen is on the desk.


✨ ベストアンサー ✨



問4.⑥sending emails
⑦a cellphone
⑨my friend
⑫spend a week without useing cellphone



