

く基本練習) つぎの各文を [ ] 内の指示にしたがって, 書き改めなさい。 (1) She is a young woman. [She を複数にして] (2) That's a good dictionary. [That を複数にして] (3) There isa child under the tree. [a を three に] (4) This girl has some flowers in her hand. [girl を複数に] く応用問題> つぎの各文の( ) 内から正しいことばをえらび, ○でかこみなさい。 (1) Please give me (another, other, others) cup of tea. (2) I don't like this doll. Show me another (one, it, that)。 (3) Which pencil is yours? The red (one, it, that) is mine. (4) I have two letters. (One, Some) is from Tom, and (the others, th other, another) is from Alice. (5) Some of the students come to school by bus, and (the other, another, others) come by bicycle. こつぎの各文の空所に適当な代名詞を1つずつ入れなさい。 (1) I have two knives. is new and the is old. (私はナイフを2つもっています。 1つは新しく,もう1つは古い。) 2) wanted coffee, and wanted tea. (ある人たちはコーヒーを, 紅茶を希望したものもいました。) 3) I like these red gloves better than those white (私はあの白い手袋よりもこの赤い手袋のほうが好きです。) ) Do you have a, dictionary ? Yes, I have a good (あなたは辞書をもっていますか。 はい, よいのをもっています。)
名詞 代名詞

