


英文 國中


D3 A³ (31-33) ATT News June 23, 2022 A 300 kg stingray that was caught in the Mekong River in Cambodia on June 13, 2022 is the world's largest known freshwater fish. The fisherman who caught it was given $600 for his catch. The stingray was then freed the following day. Look at the chart below. A 293 kg Mekong giant catfish was caught in the Mekong River in Thailand in 2005. It was then the largest freshwater 4 m long and 300 kg. fish that was ever found. JHS D B³1 31. Which idea is talked about in the second paragraph of the news? (A) What has happened to the Mekong River. (B) Why the giant stingray is something special. What kinds of fish are common in freshwater. (D) What the team of scientists would do with the giant stingray. The stingray which was caught on June 13, 2022 broke the world record: When a team of scientists heard about the news of the giant stingray, they hurried to Cambodia to study it. All of them were very surprised to see the stingray because it is hard to find a large fish like it in freshwater. Large fish need large areas of water to live in, and it takes them a long time to grow to be this big. This giant fish is also a good sign for the Mekong River because it means the river is still healthy enough for fish. Scientists today have little understanding about stingrays, so the team put a device on the giant stingray before setting it free. They hoped that by studying it, they could learn more about this special fish in years to come. chart record scientist ## device 32. Who might find the news helpful? (A) Andy, who enjoys fishing. (B) Lisa, who is interested in how to study fish. (C) Amanda, who wants to study the history of Cambodia. (D) Ted, who wants to know more about large freshwater fish. 文特题店 根準化的測驗 paragraph # 33. According to the news, which is true? (A) The 300 kg stingray swam back to the river with a device on it. (B) Large fish about 300kg are common in the Mekong River. (C) Scientists already have a good knowledge of stingrays. (D) In 2005, another giant freshwater fish was also found in Cambodia. Thailand 10 請翻頁繼續作答 (111903-E) according to

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數學 國中


要出國旅遊或求學的人,以及需要購買國外商品的進口商。 寺機是新臺幣进 值時,因為這樣可以較低的價格兌換外 2請閱讀以下文章,並回答問題: 許多人會擔任國際志工,在出國前可先至銀行兌換準 備前往服務國家的外幣。由於各家銀行給的匯率不同,在 兌換前可以先查看哪家最划算。盡量不要在機場兌換,因 為機場匯率通常較差。 如果是在國內先換好外幣帶在身上,就要注意各家銀 行現金匯率。以附圖為例,若要換美金,1美金要用30.985 元新臺幣兌換。 幣別 美金 港幣 英鎊 澳幣 日圓 泰幣 現金匯率 本行買入 本行賣出 30.315 30.985 3.773 3.977 35.74 37.86 20.55 21.33 0.2227 0.2355 0.779 0.969 假如在國內沒有提供兌換該國貨幣的服務,可以先換 取流通性較高的外幣,到當地再兌換。除了到時候兌換方 便外,有些額外行程也可用美金來付款。而兌換時記得以大面額為主,因為到了當 地銀行,面額大的匯率會比面額小的來得佳。假如要攜帶信用卡或是國際提款卡, 一定要確認卡片已經開卡,也要確認可以在即將前往的國家消費或提款。 (資料來源:改寫自1國際工作營,【國際工作營的行前8大Tips】-Tips 3:打包你的行李,國際工作營網 站,2020/03/12。 2.臺灣銀行,歷史匯率收盤價,掛牌時間:2023/01/05 15:29,臺灣銀行網站,2023/01/05。 3.馬哈,全家出國不是只有玩!「換錢」可讓孩子見識不同貨幣,親身體驗「匯率」是什麼!,風傳媒網站, 2019/09/04) ( )(1)依據上文判斷,兌換下列何國貨幣的匯率最高? (A)美金 (B)港幣 (C)英鎊 (D)澳幣 ( )(2)依據上文推斷,下列敘述何者正確? (A)各家銀行的匯率皆相同 (B)機場匯率較銀行匯率好 (C)兌換大面額的匯率較好 (D)日圓匯率較泰幣匯率高 )(3)假如小龍要前往日本擔任國際志工,當時即用上文匯率先在國內換得10萬 元日圓,則當時他兌換的匯率為何? (A)30.315 (B)30.985 (C)0.2227 (D)0.2355

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