


數學 國中


(41~43) At some stores, people get stickers or stamps on a card when they spend money there. After they collect enough stickers or stamps, they can get gifts or buy things at low prices. Yesterday after I bought coffee; the clerk stamped on my cellphone. How cool it was! My first time! It looks like a stamp we used in the past, but there are many small dots at the bottom. You touch the screen of your cellphone to tell it what to do, and this is also the way smart stamps work. When people use a smart stamp, they hold the top part of the smart stamp. The small electrical charge from people's hands goes through it to the dots at the bottom. Then, the smart stamp tells your cellphone messages with them. The dots of different stores are in different patterns. no alla lil est sill lo busolos With smart stamps, stores don't have to make stickers or cards, and people don't have to keep those things. Stores can also collect some useful information. For example, how many people come and buy things or what is popular? Are there any other good things about smart stamps? Are there things people need to be careful with when they use them? We can know more after smart stamps become more common. sticker 貼紙 electrical charge 電荷 message訊息 pattern 圖案 ( ) 41 Which picture best shows how electrical charge moves when someone uses a smart stamp? (A) (B) (C) (D) MA ( ) 42 "Are there any other good things... become more common." What did the writer want to say? (A) Not everybody needs to use smart stamps. (B) Many people worry a lot when they use smart stamps. (C) Let's learn more after more people experience using smart stamps. (D) Stamps are not common, so people may think about giving them up. ( ) 43. In the reading, the writer mentioned: a. Why people use smart stamps. b. One new thing in the writer's life. c. How smart stamps work. In what order did the writer mention them? (A) abc. (C) cba. 『著作權,翻印必究 9-15 (B) ba→c. (D) b→ c→a. 三美 mention提及

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英文 國中


VAL DE ww 17 F CA 1.1 31 1H k DB 第二部分:題組(第16~1題,共26題) (16~19) Anna Hello, Jacob, How was your Chinese New Year? I got some red envelopes from my family. Did you get any? Jacob Yes, I got some, too. I love this festival so much. It is the best New Year 16 CO My parents planned a trip to Japan for our family. We stayed at a beautiful farm for 5 days to celebrate our own Chinese New Year. Anna Wow, it is so special to spend New Year at a farm. What did you do there? Jacob We did lots of things there, like feeding the rabbits, 17 growing vegetables, milking the cows, walking the dogs, and playing with the cats in the house. It was so interesting to stay on the farm. The owner even next summer vacation. 18 me to work there during : AB₂ AB : Jacob We cooked by ourselyes in the owner's kitchen. We had a hot pot with the vegetables 19 and the meat both from the farm. After dinner, we talked with each other until midnight. It was the greatest New Year Eve. Anna: It was so nice! Can I go with you next summer vacation? Please... Jacob Sure! Let's go together. (A) I have (B) I had 17. (A) riding on the horses (C) learning math Anna So cool!!! I like animals very much, and I always want to experience life on farms. What about the New Year Eve? What did you do at that night? Did you eat something special? 18 (A) was asking 19. (A) we picked (B) to ask (B) we brought . (C) asked (C) I am having este atil mail (B) playing computer games (D) watching the movies (C) we hated (D) I have ever had (D) ask we knew

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英文 國中


C40. D D (40-43) king 40 Long time ago, on Pig Land, there was a king pig, who ruled hundreds of sheep. The and he could make the sheep do anything he wanted them to do at any time. For example, he made them clean his big castle, take care of his farms, and cook for his family and relatives and his soldiers every day. Sometimes he ordered them to make clothes in the middle of the night. Although the sheep worked very hard for the king, 41 Their houses were small and dirty. What's more, he gave them little to eat. Most of the sheep were thin and weak because they were hungry all the time. Since they had to work from day to night, they were all tired out and unhappy. One day, the king thought to himself. "I'm the king, but I can't make the sheep like me. They never smile in front of me. 42 they stay as far from me as possible. I must try my best to win their heart." The next day, the king had a very old sheep come to him. He said to the sheep, "They say you're the wisest sheep on my land. I don't know why no sheep likes me. What should I do?" The old sheep answered, "My dearest king, it's easy. you do it, they'll be more friendly to you." 43 If From then on, the king did not have the sheep work more than eight hours a day or late at night. He gave them bigger houses and better food. Little by little, the sheep began to love the king pig from the bottom of their heart. The king's land became one of the happiest countries in the world. (A) was kind (B) was very brave (C) had great power (D) knew the art of loving 41. (A) they thanked him deeply (B) they fought for better lives (C) the king lived a terrible life (D) the king did not treat them well 42. (A) In fact (B) Even so (C) However (D) At first 43. (A) Not all sheep are the same (B) Keep your eye on the sheep (C) Give the sheep a lesson, and they'll learn (D) Treat the sheep the way you'd like to be treated 1111 15 英語閱讀

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自然 國中

我手上的課本寫到“一個 葡萄糖C6H12O6+六個 氧氣O2=六個 二氧化碳CO2+六個水H2O+約32個ATP 下頁就提到“糖解作用....初期葡萄糖的裂解需要兩個分子的ATP當能量......”,ATP的化學式是C10H16N5O13P3,請問氮氣N和磷P是怎麼來的? ... 繼續閱讀

6.2 細胞呼吸:有氧狀態獲取的食物能量 我們通常使用呼吸 (respiration)一詞來表示呼吸動作 (breathing)。雖然在生物體層次 上呼吸不應該跟細胞呼吸(cellular respiration)混淆,不過這兩個過程是相當有關聯性的 (圖6.3)。細胞呼吸需要跟環境周邊交換兩種氣體,細胞以氣體中的氧分子形式吸入,而 以氣體中的二氧化碳(CO2)形式讓廢物離開。呼吸動作(respiration 或breathing)造成你的 血液與外面的空氣交換相同氣體,氧氣存在於你吸入的空氣中,擴散越過肺臟內襯並流 你的血流中,血流中的二氧化碳會擴散到你的肺部深處,並在你呼氣的同時離開。你呼出的 每一個二氧化碳分子最初都是在你身體細胞內粒線體中形成的。 就像汽車上的內燃器一樣,使用氧氣(藉由氣體吸入)去分解汽油,一個細胞也 需要氧氣分解自身的能源。細胞呼吸——像一個生命模式的內燃器,是一個從食物 中的化學能量轉變成 ATP 能量的主要方式。細胞呼吸是一個有氧 (aerobic) 反應 換一個說法則是細胞呼吸需要氧氣。把這些都組合在一起,我們現在可以為細胞呼 吸 (cellular respiration) 下一個定義:即在有氧的情況下,從有機分子獲得化學機 量。☑ 你與跑車有 個共同點:你們 都需要一個進氣系 統使燃燒燃料更 有效率。 ☑ 檢查點 在生物體與細胞層次上, 呼吸包含吸入氣體 並排出氣體 。 。 :: 圖 6.3 呼吸 (breathing) 與細胞呼吸的相關性。當你吸氣 時,你會吸入氧氣。氧氣被輸送到細胞中,這裡的氧氣在細胞 呼吸中被利用。細胞呼吸的廢棄產物二氧化碳會從你的細胞擴 散到血液中,再循環至你的肺部後離開。 (CO2 (CO₂ 細胞呼吸 0₂ (CO2 肺 ST 肌肉細胞 6.2.1細胞呼吸的概述 生物學的一個重要主題就是所有的生物都取決 於能量和物質的轉變。我們在整個生命研究中看到 了這種轉化的例子,但很少像燃料(食品分子) 中 的能量轉化為細胞直接使用的形式般重要。通常 細胞使用的燃料分子是葡萄糖,即具有分子式為 CgH2O% 的單醣(monosaccharide) (參見圖 3.6) (較 使用其他有機分子來獲得能量)。以下平衡式簡述了 細胞呼吸期間葡萄糖的轉變: C6H12O6 +60 葡萄糖 氧氣 ↑ ↑ 能量 轉換 6CO,+6H+約32 ATP 二氧化碳 水 一序列的箭頭表示細胞呼吸由許多化學步驟 成。每個反應由一個特定的酶所催化——整個反應 徑全部超過二十多個反應。事實上,這些反應構、 了幾乎所有真核細胞——植物、真菌、原生生物和 物中發現的最重要的代謝路徑之一。這種路徑提供 了這些細胞維持生命功能所需的能量。 構成細胞呼吸的許多化學反應可以區分為三個 主要階段:糖解作用(glycolysis)、檸檬酸循環(Citric acid cycle) 和電子傳遞(electron transport)。 圖 6.4 是一個路線圖,可以幫助你按照呼吸作用 的三個階段進行,並看看每個階段在你的細胞中發

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