


國文 國中


請閱讀以下兩篇短文,並回答34~35題: 【甲】 我也曾到過閩粵,在那裡過冬天,和暖原極和暖,有時候到了陰曆的邊,說 不定還不得不拿出紗衫來著,走過野人的籬落,更還看得見許多雜七雜八的秋花!一 番陣雨雷鳴過後,涼冷一點,至多也只好換上一件夾衣,在閩粵之間,皮袍棉襖是 34B 絕對用不著的。這一種極南的氣候異狀,並不是我所說的江南的冬景,只能叫它作南 國的長春, 是春或秋的延長。 江南的地質豐腴而潤澤,所以含得住熱氣,養得住植物。因而長江一帶,蘆花可以 到冬至而不敗,紅葉亦有時候會保持得住三個月以上的生命。像錢塘江兩岸的烏桕樹, 在紅葉落後,還有雪白的桕子著在枝頭,一點一叢,用照相機照將出來,可以亂梅花之 真。草色頂多成了赭色,根邊總帶點綠意,非但野火燒不盡,就是寒風也吹不倒的。若 遇到風和日暖的午後,你一個人肯上冬郊去走走,則青天碧落之下,你不但感不到歲時 的肅殺,並且還可以飽覺著一種莫名其妙的含蓄在那裡的生氣。「若是冬天來了,春天 也總馬上會來」的詩人的名句,只有在江南的山野裡,最容易體會得出。說起了寒郊的 散步,實在是江南的冬日,所給予江南居住者的一種特異的恩惠;在北方的冰天雪地裡 生長的人,是終他的一生,也絕不會有享受這一種清福的機會的。 【乙】 ——郁達夫〈江南的冬景> 現在白馬湖到處都是樹木了,當時尚一株樹木都未種,月亮與太陽都是整個兒 的,從上山起直要照到下山為止。太陽好的時候,只要不颳風,那真和暖得不像冬 天。一家人都坐在庭間曝日,甚至於吃午飯也在屋外,像夏天的晚飯一樣。日光晒到 哪裡,就把椅凳移到哪裡。忽然寒風來了,只好逃難似的各自帶了椅凳逃入室中,急 急把門關上。最嚴寒的幾天,山色凍得發紫而黯,湖波泛深藍色。 下雪原是我所不憎厭的。下雪的日子,室內分外明亮,晚上差不多不用燃燈。遠 山積雪足供半個月的觀看,舉頭即可從窗中望見。可是究竟是南方,每冬下雪不過一 二次,我在那裡所日常領略的冬的情味,幾乎都從風來。白馬湖的所以多風,可以說 有著地理上的原因,那裡環湖都是山,而北首卻有一個半里闊的空隙,好似故意張了 袋口歡迎風來的樣子。白馬湖的山水和普通的風景地相差不遠,唯有風卻與別的地方 不同。風的多和大,凡是到過那裡的人都知道的。風在冬季的感覺中,自古占著重要 的因素,而白馬湖的風尤其特別。 現在,一家僦居,上海多日了,偶然於夜深人靜時聽到風聲,大家就要提起白馬 湖來,說:「白馬湖不知今夜又颳得怎樣厲害哩!」 | 34. 關於這兩篇短文中作者的想法,下列說明何者正確? ——夏丏尊<白馬湖之冬> (A)甲篇:江南的冬景雖有肅殺之氣,但嚴冬後的春天更可親 没有 (B)甲篇:江南的冬景是春秋二季的延長,以閩粵最具代表性 (C)乙篇:白馬湖的冬天時常下雪,冬日情味多從窗外的雪景而來 (D)乙篇:白馬湖由於地形關係而多風,冬日的大風令人印象深刻 1. 僦居:租屋居住。 僦, 音 ㄐㄧㄡㄨˋ 11 35

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英文 國中


B (28-30) B 2⁹. In modern times, there is noise pollution everywhere. There are noises from cars, buses, machines, and many other things. Loud noises are bad for our health. They can lead to health problems like headaches, sleep loss, or hearing loss. Of all the health problems, hearing loss is the most common and serious. Remember, once hearing is totally lost, there is nothing we can do about it. Noise pollution also has something to do with children's poor schoolwork. Studies show kids who learn in noisy areas will probably have more trouble with reading and language skills. A new study in 2022 also shows noisy roads near schools could make it harder for kids to learn. To better kids' learning, we should cut down on noise in or around school areas. It is also important to reduce noise pollution at home. There are some easy ways to do it. For example, close the windows when it is noisy outside and open them only during quieter times of the day. In the house, be sure to turn down the radio, music from games, or the TV. A quieter living place will make all family members comfortable and happy. Noise pollution is a serious problem. We cannot be too careful about it. pollution # loss skill reduce 28. Here are three important points in the reading: JHS a. Why noise pollution is bad for learning b. What are the possible ways to reduce noise in the house c. How noise pollution can hurt our health How are they ordered in the reading? (A) a b→c. (B) c-a-b. cab (C) c→b→a. (D) b-a-c. 29. What does it mean at the end of the first paragraph? (A) Bad health. (B) Hearing loss. (C) Noise pollution. (D) The sleep problem. 30. What can we infer about noise pollution from the reading? (A) It is getting more and more serious. (Bt kills thousands of people each year. (C) Reducing road traffic does students good. \(D) Living around noise makes people get angry easily. 文排题库 9 (111903-E) order # paragraph infer 推論

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