


社會 國中

歷史第四冊第四課109頁 國民政府所在的大後方是重慶嗎?還是南京?

崔殘的人身 通爭摧 小幫手 1 P.70 「日軍採用非人道手段,進行各項人類活體實驗;也 召各殖民地人民,前往日本,補充軍事工業的勞動力 圖2-4-9)。在朝鮮和臺灣等地,一些婦女遭到日軍誘 「窮或強迫,充當「慰安婦」(圖2-4-10) 在中國,許多日本占領區的民眾長途跋涉,投奔國 民政府所在的「大後方!。在東亞許多城市,也有居民 | 躲避空襲,逃往鄉村。由於戰爭的破壞,使天然災荒, 更加擴大,大量難民離散。 活體實驗 在滿洲國哈爾濱,日軍731 部隊長期執行活體實驗,至少 造成數千名中國人、蘇聯人、 朝鮮人死亡。 回流離失所 勞動力 日本政府除了徵用朝鮮和臺 灣人民赴日勞動,亦引入占領 區的中國人補充勞動力。 9 圖2-4-10 亞洲各地的慰安婦雕像/各地設立 雕像,希望藉此提醒人們記取歷史教訓。 | 香港 圖2-4-9 端島/位於日本長崎外 海,又稱軍艦島。開戰後,日本勞 力短缺,徵用眾多朝鮮人民到島上 開採煤礦,遭到非人道待遇。 CO 三十一日 韓國 學習check MEMORARE BANTAYOG NA ITO AY SA MGA PILIPINANG TIMA NG PANG-AABUSO AS NOONG PANAHON NG NG HAPON (1942- ABANG PANAHON ANG 160 SILA TUMESTIGO PAMAYAS HINGGIL NARANASAN. 我能理解人民對戰爭的恐懼 與排斥。 「我能覺察戰爭對人民的傷 害。 第4章現代國家的變局 109 时定婦

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英文 國中


ng Thanks to weekend? bl. ep drinking bid drinking rked nths ago Bas 看圖詳答問題:每題2分,共10 分 八、閱讀測驗:每題2分,共4 五 a chef in a local restaurant a 19 Australia is famous for wheat, wool, gold, and coal. They grow food plants and raise animals, Their service industry is also very famous. These years, Australia is working hard on tourism. Its wonderful sights and animals get a large number of people to visit there every year. Because Australia is not far away from Asia, it becomes a new favorite for Asian students. If you under the age of 31, you can get a working holiday visa. With the visa, you can enjoy the life outside Asia, get different job choices, make money, and le English at the same time. U wheat 小麥 養育 service industry sights if wool coal Prow 1. What does Mark enjoy doing? America, He dog ene planting me 2. Did Eudora spend three hours studying yesterday? No, she hadet spend three how studying weiterelay - z 3. What are the Chen family planning to do? They Aplanning -2 4. Does Connie enjoy going to a concert (9) in Korea? Yes, she en concert en going in Korea 5. What did Josh begin to work as last month? waiter last month. raise tourism Also to USA D) 1. Why does Australia draw many As to a these years? (A) Because of its beautiful sight B) Because of its animals. (C) Because it has wheat, woc D) Because they don't have as a 六、依提示作答:每題3分,共 15 分

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