


英文 國中


國三上 第二課文法練習題 姓名: 依提示作答: ✓//1. Playing online games is interesting to many students. (1) Playing online game was interested to many students. 2. Vicky's sad story was surprising to us. (用過去分詞改寫句子) 3. Terry and David were excited about the basketball game. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓4. All the people at the theater were satisfied with the movie. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓5. The computer homework is boring to Jenny. (一般動詞改寫句子) 6. It is boring to Helen to spend her summer vacation staying at home all day. (請將此句以「某人對某事感到無聊的」改寫) ✓ 7. Children is excited about Halloween. They can go trick-or-treating on this holiday. (將兩句用「某事對某人是興奮的」合併成一句子) Children is exciting to go on Hall ✓ 8. Doing the same work bores Jane's father. ((a)♬ boring (b)♬ bored Jane's father. the same work (a) Donig is boving (b) Jane's farther is brored with doing to came work surprising ) 10 trick-or-treating V 9. The story surprises young people. ( oween. The story surpising to young people 10. Was everyone in the house surprised at the good news? ( Did...?7) 11. The answer to the question was satisfying to them all. (用 They 改寫句子) V Many people was inspiring 12. Many people were inspired by Nick's movie. (be inspiring to... 7) to Nick's movie 13. The class trip to Sun Moon Lake excites all of the students. (All of the students....07) 14. To eat the same food every day is boring to the boy. (用 The boy....改寫句子) The boy is boved to with eat the same 15. Every student excited about the game. same food (The game is....) food every every day. 1

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英文 國中


lol V-ling(現在分詞)+情狀副詞 = be V+情狀副詞+ V-ing (現在分詞) 動詞+受詞+情狀副詞 = 情狀副詞+動詞+受詞 動詞+介系詞+受詞+情狀副詞 = 情狀副詞+動詞+介系詞+受詞 動詞+情狀副詞+介系詞+受詞 例2 The little girl runs slowly Bill is dancing happily. = Bill is happily dancing. » Jack ca He walked into the room quietly. = He quietly walked into the room. sister looks at me. ( 0 My sister - He chatted with me happily. = He happily chatted with me. = He chatted happily with me. 2. Mir sister looks 練習 圈出正確的答案(可複選) 1. 2. | and 傷心地看著遠方。 Allen 3. He is aprofessional Swimmer, so he can (Swim fast); fast Swim), (is shouting loudly; is loudly shoutingl; loudly is shouting). The baby girl (cried sadly; sadly cried) for her kitten's death, Most sudents in the library read quietly : quietly read) for the entrance exam. The disabled (walked slowly); slowly walked) on the street. He to the teacher 4. and looked sadly 每天在課堂上都仔細聽老師上 I listen 5. 6. 7. 他纸下午一點半的時候狼吞虎 He was eating 「她很冷淡地看著我。 ; 8. cut the paper carefully cut carefully the paper : carefully cut the paper Mom (looked at me coldly; coldly looked at mes boked coldly at me May (walked the dog slowly : walked slowly the dog : slowly walked the dog Ella does her homework quietly : does quietly her homework : quietly does her homework). 10. They happily listened to the song : listened to the song happily: listened to happily the song : listened happily to the song). 9. h WARAT q She looked atr 我們可以輕易地完成這個作 We can finish : 我爺爺每天早起且開心地 練習 依提示作答 My grandfathe 1. Ted /watch TV/ py / last night 學生 力讀英文

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