


英文 國中


國三上 第二課文法練習題 姓名: 依提示作答: ✓//1. Playing online games is interesting to many students. (1) Playing online game was interested to many students. 2. Vicky's sad story was surprising to us. (用過去分詞改寫句子) 3. Terry and David were excited about the basketball game. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓4. All the people at the theater were satisfied with the movie. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓5. The computer homework is boring to Jenny. (一般動詞改寫句子) 6. It is boring to Helen to spend her summer vacation staying at home all day. (請將此句以「某人對某事感到無聊的」改寫) ✓ 7. Children is excited about Halloween. They can go trick-or-treating on this holiday. (將兩句用「某事對某人是興奮的」合併成一句子) Children is exciting to go on Hall ✓ 8. Doing the same work bores Jane's father. ((a)♬ boring (b)♬ bored Jane's father. the same work (a) Donig is boving (b) Jane's farther is brored with doing to came work surprising ) 10 trick-or-treating V 9. The story surprises young people. ( oween. The story surpising to young people 10. Was everyone in the house surprised at the good news? ( Did...?7) 11. The answer to the question was satisfying to them all. (用 They 改寫句子) V Many people was inspiring 12. Many people were inspired by Nick's movie. (be inspiring to... 7) to Nick's movie 13. The class trip to Sun Moon Lake excites all of the students. (All of the students....07) 14. To eat the same food every day is boring to the boy. (用 The boy....改寫句子) The boy is boved to with eat the same 15. Every student excited about the game. same food (The game is....) food every every day. 1

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英文 國中


國三上 第二課文法練習題 姓名: 依提示作答: ✓//1. Playing online games is interesting to many students. (1) Playing online game was interested to many students. 2. Vicky's sad story was surprising to us. (用過去分詞改寫句子) 3. Terry and David were excited about the basketball game. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓4. All the people at the theater were satisfied with the movie. (用現在分詞改寫句子) ✓5. The computer homework is boring to Jenny. (一般動詞改寫句子) 6. It is boring to Helen to spend her summer vacation staying at home all day. (請將此句以「某人對某事感到無聊的」改寫) ✓ 7. Children is excited about Halloween. They can go trick-or-treating on this holiday. (將兩句用「某事對某人是興奮的」合併成一句子) Children is exciting to go on Hall ✓ 8. Doing the same work bores Jane's father. ((a)♬ boring (b)♬ bored Jane's father. the same work (a) Donig is boving (b) Jane's farther is brored with doing to came work surprising ) 10 trick-or-treating V 9. The story surprises young people. ( oween. The story surpising to young people 10. Was everyone in the house surprised at the good news? ( Did...?7) 11. The answer to the question was satisfying to them all. (用 They 改寫句子) V Many people was inspiring 12. Many people were inspired by Nick's movie. (be inspiring to... 7) to Nick's movie 13. The class trip to Sun Moon Lake excites all of the students. (All of the students....07) 14. To eat the same food every day is boring to the boy. (用 The boy....改寫句子) The boy is boved to with eat the same 15. Every student excited about the game. same food (The game is....) food every every day. 1

待回答 回答數: 0
英文 國中

我整個都不會怎麼辦啦 誰可以救救我😭😭

Lesson 1 Have You Ever Heard of A Christmas Carol? 一、寫出下列動詞過去式及過去分詞:40%(每題2分) 法二法 1. 8. 9. 10. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. begin come say write get plan take run study cut - - - - - 周 二、根據提示字寫出現在完成式句子:18%(每題3分) 1. Joyce and Mark / for twenty years / be married / . 2. since 10:00 / do the housework/ Bill/. 3. The boys / already / take many photos/ . 4. Your sons / just clean the bathroom / . Lesson 1 Have You Ever Heard of A Christmas Carol? 國中英語(五)句型精熟卷 II 班 號 姓名 5. see the movie / several times / You/. 開始 來 說話(字句) 寫 獲得 計畫 拿(走) 跑;經營 研讀 切;砍 6. Mandy / yet / feed her puppy/. 三、填入適當動詞時態:18%(每題3分) 1. Bob (surf) the Net since 9:00 a.m. (eat) anything since last night. 2. 1 3. Paris is a romantic city. I 4. Dad is not home. He 5. My brother been three years since I last saw him. 6. Aunt Monica 四、翻譯:24 %(每題6分) 1. A:你曾經去過日本嗎? B:是的,我曾經去過日本。 2. 我妹妹從昨天開始一直都不快樂。 3. Mary 已經學了五年英文。 國中英語(五)句型精熟卷 III 年 (go) to Taipei on business. (move) to Taipei after he got married. It has 得分 4.自從他離開之後,我就沒有看過他了。 (live) in Penghu since she was born. (be) there several times. 1~34~

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