


數學 國中


92 考前 天》數學科 ( 13. 如右圖,△ABC的內切圖分別切 、BC、AC於D、E、F三 點,其中P、Q兩點分別在DE、DF上。若DPE 弧長與 DQF 弧長的比為2:3,24=36°,則<C的度數為何? B E D 1. 幾何 34 35 122 231 R 幾何證明與三角形的心 36 29 30 SUN MON TH 5. 88 12 89 7 40 25 天 幾何推理 國考要點 中垂線性質:如圖(一),若直線,為的 中垂線,且D、E兩點均在直線「上,則 AD=BD、AE=BE。 2. 角平分線性質:如圖,直線 BQ 平分 ∠ABC,P點在直線BQ上,若陀廳、 PF⊥BC,則PE=PF。 3. 幾何證明: 端 三角形全等性質:SS、S4S、A4S、ASA、RHS. (2) 三角形相似性質:SSS、SAS、AA、 (3)等腰三角形頂角的角平分線、底灘上的高、底邊上的中垂線均為同一條線。 B (A) 58 (B) 60 (C) 62 (D) 64 ≫ 精熟題 ) 1.圖上有A、B、C、D四點,其位置如右圖所示,其中 AC與BD相交於E點,且AB=BCC。根據圖中標示的角 度,判斷下列四條線段何者的長度最長? ALAE (B) BE TON CE (D) DE 國教會考 B44 42° )2. 右圖表示A、B、C、D四點在圓上的位置,其中4D =180°,且 AB=BD,BC-CD。若阿超在4B上取一點 P,在BD上取一點Q,使得∠APQ=130°,則下列敘述 何者正確? 2點在上,且BQ>20 (B) 2 點在BC上,且BQ<20 (C) 2 點在CD上,且CQ>QD (D) 2 點在CD上,且CO<OD EE 國教會考 )3. 如右圖,梯形ABCD中,AD || BC,有一圓O通過A、B 、C三點,且AD與圓O相切於4點。若∠B=58°,則 BC的度數為何? (A) 116 (B) 120 A+ 國教會考: 0. B (C) 122 (D) 128 4. 右圖為一大型摩天輪,其半徑為20公尺,最高點離地面42公尺, 摩天輪順時針旋轉一圈需12分鐘。魯夫在摩天輪最低處(圖中A 點)搭乘,4分鐘後,他離地面高度為多少公尺? 110 D 二 三角形的心 外心:三角形三級中線的交點。 性質 外心到三頂點等距離,是三角形外接圖的見心。 位置 bu 點,鈍角三角形外心在外面。 設O為△ABC 的外心, (1)若∠A為說角,則∠BOC=2∠A0 (2) 若∠A為純角,則XBDC=3667-26A3 (3) O 為ABC的外接舊愛心,則OA==OC=+(外獲儡半 三角形三角平分線的交點。 外心僅有一個:銳角三角形外心在內部,直角三角形外心在斜邊中

待回答 回答數: 0
英文 國中

請問23 那個上面的答案不一定是正確答案🙂

#ex. h. 1. 1417) 一令 ex. 規程綱要 北 等腰三角形外心a+(0-1) 最高,效力最强 D20 ●困難.原則性: 20. Tyler is a famous magician. Tonight, Tyler needs complete this magic show. but a cup, a ball, and a pencil to 内容简潔 (A) 21 D) 22. (A) that (B) how (C) when (D) what 22. My math is so bad that I don't think I have (A) something (B) nothing (C) everything (D) a few things O 21. Barbara is extremely proud of MORELO her son did to save people's lives as a firefighter. hope of passing the test. 5231 a lot of fun. (3) 24. O 24. Helena said she would give you a hand if you need it. ote y (A) 25. (A) much (B) little (C) any few (D) many more Keeping a dog or cat takes a strong sense of responsibility but (A) bringing (B) is (C) has (D) to get (A) what (B) that (C) if (D) there of my sisters are older than I am. I'm the youngest of the three children in my family. (A) Both (B) Few (C) Most (D) Some (D) 26. The (A) C 26. The weather is always changing, so I don't know out. (A) how (B) what (C) where ) 27. It took the police lots of time (A) and found out (B) find out (D) whether I should bring an umbrella when I go who entered Liu's house and killed her one year ago. (D) to find out (C) finding out 28. Many famous people visit this restaurant. Popular singers like A-mei and Jay Chou here with their friends. (A) to be often seen (B) often seen (C) are often seen 29. You can come to see me in the office on Wednesday or Friday. (B) Another (A) Either 30. Betty takes care of the poor rabbit (A) that (B) whose (C) which (D) and are often seen day is fine. (D) One (C) Other right ear is hurt because she is an animal doctor. (D) whom 31. Everyone in the town feels strange that all the cows at Mr. White's farm died in one night. has never been anything like this before. (A) He (B) It (C) That (D) There 32. When my boss found his ID card he felt worried and reported it to the police right away. (A) stealing (B) stole (C) is stolen (D) stolen than in Taiwan.

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