


英文 國中

大概有七題的英文文法問題 (有打勾勾的地方✔️(我把他整理成一張圖片了 感謝善心人士解答💗💗

B (用於否定句 (B)where (A)what MEGK MSX FILTE yourself. (C)whether (D)how you see is not necessarily true. You should find the answer opol (A)That (B)What (C)Which (D)How (A)who (B)whom (C)which (D)when The five-star hotel (A)for (B)in F (C)with ☆! can't understand this article. It is written (D) English. Can you help me? you (A)by (B) of (C)on (D)in [OAG Mr. Wang grows a lot of fruit (A)which eats (B)it smells we stayed last night is really beautiful and (D)from sweet and juicy. (C)it is (D)that tastes 3. Mr. Chen is a busy businessman. He likes to spend his free time hungry to death! 260206 (A)with (B)without (C)from EXE MSG (D) off 2pG T8 Brian is a famous musician. He became successful² dnie Bood again and again. USE (B)with practicing Je Tue 50 su WARUSM 16 129 Cute cou (A)by (C)along (D)for 8. The boy is really a genius. He entered a great college and became a A (A)beside (B)around The airplane was flying (A)through A 14. (B)across GLEN (C)under Taipei and Hong Kong. (C)between (D)among (D)between 為所環繞 (Alfor (D)ofue 14. This movie is pats only. It is full of volence and blood. Bito (C)from Macy is my new friend I knew on the Internet. She is a Canadian, and we often send e-mails to each other. Macy's birthday is 16 June 20, and she is fifteen this year. She plays basketball very well. Actually, she is quite good _17_ sports. She is going to play a ball game for her class next week, and she 18 it. 16. (A)in Mour to 2(B)at 1 (A)on (B)at pong (C)on (C)inabi (C)worried with MOER EAGLA (D)satisfied with (D)x (D) of )18. (A)is excited about ex2999 (B)is interesting in C Dear Vivian:LICE back so late. Paul's 19 his place. - How have you been recently? Sorry for writing you birthday is coming soon. He is going to have a birthday party He'll prepare for some cookies, cakes, and drinks. I'll give him a card and a present. that day? Please let me know. about pe ce quis Will you come 20 (B)0 (clop (D)W Love, Ann 19. (A)at g 218 (B)below (C)over (D)into RPC Aom (A)by (B)with (C)on (D)in

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自然 國中


的反應 所有色 有色光 改所有 t讓所≠ 綠色色紙 圖所¯ AKTY , (B) x 10. 顯微鏡若加裝濾色片,可以吸收從光源發出的特殊色光,例如綠色濾色片可吸收綠 光,從而使得透過濾色片的光線顏色發生改變,讓顯微鏡觀察時能更清楚地看到部 分帶有顏色的構造。小雅使用複式顯微鏡觀察水中生物,並在光源上方加裝藍色濾 色片,則關於此時所看到的影像,下列何者最合理? (A) 會形成藍色調的影像 (B) 會形成放大正立的影像 (C) 會過濾藍色光 (D) 若於光源上再加蓋紅色玻璃紙,則影像的亮度會更明亮樂至要夫小班甲三個 地最關教育一款 A |素養題 11. 新冠肺炎患者要隔離,臨床上針對部份法定傳染病,醫院需要使用負壓隔離病房來 隔離病人,用以防止病毒的擴散,關於負壓病房的氣壓大小與房門打開時的空氣流 動,下列敘述何者正確? 掉()) (A)病房內的大氣壓力比外面的大氣壓力小,房門打開時的空氣向病房內流動 紫衣 (B) 病房內的大氣壓力比外面的大氣壓力大,房門打開時的空氣向病房內流動 (C) 病房內的大氣壓力比外面的大氣壓力大,房門打開時的空氣向病房外流動 (D) 病房內的大氣壓力比外面的大氣壓力小,房門打開時的空氣向病房外流動 AC 12. 有甲、乙、丙、丁四瓶沒有標籤辨識的廣口瓶,分別裝有氧氣、氮氣、二氧化碳和 氫氣,以下列方式進行檢驗,結果如表(一),關於甲、乙、丙、丁四瓶氣體的性質 敘述,下列何者最合理? 中甲人無題 (A)/ 3002 表(一) Or

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