


英文 國中


8/95-118/01 YRI [範圍栅目] [數量形容詞、計量單位2How many How mach的問與答了不定代名列one/ones 4對草連接詞、d、ate Showanetwar 3,622 英語科 第5 次複習考 第4單元 B2 L3~4 一、單題:請依文意選出一個正確或最佳的答案。 (1~5題每題2分、6~质題每題3分,共40分) (A) 1 The man usually has when he watches the movies at home. (A) chocolate (B) cake (C) pizza (D) popcom D 2 Stephen took her daughter to the popular Italian restaurant for her birthday (A coffee A9 C) & How many (B) plate (D) part (C) treat 3 Ray, you have too much meat. You should eat more (A) pork (B) chicken. (C) beef (D) fruit of eggs do you need to make the cake ung for the party? (A) 5. His A dozens () it (A) easy (C) sweet B) & Look! There are many beautiful Let's go picnic there. (A) shops (C) streets D7 Angel didn't find her words on the blackboard. A strings (B) glasses (D) & People live on rice (A) or (C) so ) 9. There is (B) pairs It's dangerous much as you like. (A many (C) some C10 Sussic needs A two dozen ( two dozens (C) one (A) 12 Tickets for five (A) children (C) man (C) glasses to go out by yourself. (B) yummy (D) dark (A) seeing (C) watching B 15 The nice weather won't (A) get (D) and milk in the refrigerator. You can have as (D) bottles (1) flowers (D) fires so she couldn't see the (C) bags (D) bowls horses feed on grass (1) because (C) two dozen bottles (D) two dozens of bottles (D) IL Debby: The cup is dirty. Can I have a clean ? Ben: Sure. please. in the garden. 10 any (D) a lot of apple juice for her party. (1) ones (I woman B) 13 Jason's family are going to have a barbecue. Three pounds of pork not enough for them. (A) in (1) have B 14 Joe loves learning. Every time when I see him, he is a book. It will rain next week. (1) last (0) show (D) lend A" 31. A 20 TA 300 m (16~20) 二、題組。請依所附的短文或圖表,選出一個最適當的答案。 Y C) 16 A Many (D) 17 (Wand Y I admire many people. 16 of them is my grandmother She is seventy years old, 17 she is more active than many young people. She always takes a walk before breakfast. She goes swimming three times a week on Mondays Wednesdays, and Fridays. On the evening of Saturdays, she goes to dancing class. She 18 misses her classes because she loves dancing so much. She sometimes goes shopping by bus, but only when it rains. She usually rides a bike to the market. She never watches television 19 most shows are boring to her. Besides, she has an active mind She usually reads for two hours a day. And now, she decides to learn 20 language French. (C) 19 and admire active S @Every One (or (C) but (B) 18 W never (C) usually W (C) because 20 the other (WU another (-3) Marco: Ready? Here, on the screen. This was fifty years ago Masa: Look, there was a school next to the post office Now it becomes a movie theater and there is a city library BOXE (sometimes (D) always B 21 What might they watch (A) A book, (D) or (C) other (ACHA 1) N 1 Each to it now. Marco: Yes. The school moved to Horse Street because there wasn't enough space for a thousand students. There were just a few cars on the streets Fifty years ago, most people rode bikes or motorcycles to work Lin Were there supermarkets then? Marco: No. There were only three small food shops Isople went there to buy meat, fruit, or vegetables Ed: Look, that baby is cute. Marco: That was me. I was very cute fifty years age, right? B22 What did the school change into (NA library A computer (C) 23 Which do the four people NOT talk about W Bikes 00 Motoreveles (C) Cars Mark went to Kenting last month and he stayed there for a summer school life there was very busy He had N hours In the afternoon, Mark had classes Actusche was i pool. After weeks of practice, he swam like a rich Now he i

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英文 國中


UNIT 4 A Part C: Getting the Order |課文朗讀》正常CD/MP3 23 慢速 MP3 80 7) CD/MP3 24 15 Great! I can a good night's rest. 課文講解》MP3 108 手機掃一下 「生動對話即時看 長度:48 秒 Paula is explaining a shipping method¹ to Bryan. 寶拉在向布萊恩解釋送貨方式。 (Paula = P; Bryan = B) 送到家 P: If that's impossible, there's another option. You can get it at a local³ convenience store. B: I didn't know they could do that. Is there an extra charge for that service? P: No. It's part of the free shipping. B: Cool! I'll go with that then. P: OK. When the package is at the store, the company will get in touch by e-mail. B: What do I do there? P: Tell the clerk you have a package. Then, give them your phone number and show your ID. B: Great! I can finally get a good night's rest. ABC 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 62 頁 ◎重點單字 01. method [meǝd] n. I don't like your method of doing things. 我不喜歡你做事的方法。 2. impossible [im`pasabl] adj. Sarah thinks nothing is impossible. 莎拉覺得沒有什麼事情是不可能的。 3. local [lok]] adj. Att All the local hospitals were full of sick people. 本地的所有醫院都擠滿了病患。 04. charge [tfard3] n. O 120002000 The museum tours are free of charge. 這間博物館的導覽是免費的。 參考單字。 option [apfan] n. ◎學習焦點 1. A is part of B. AB – • The drinks are part of the set meal. 飲料有包含在套餐裡。 2. (Sb) goes with (sth). (A) go with 在此表示「挑選; • Tina went with the red dress instead of the black one. 蒂娜選了這件紅色洋裝而不是那件黑色的。 BEZ 0 3. a good night's rest - 類似說法還有 a good night's sleep「好好睡一晚」。 After a good night's sleep, Larry felt a lot better. 晚上好好睡一覺後,賴瑞覺得好多了。 His school photo. 」,為口語用法。 ® His ID card. 隨堂測驗選擇題 Which does Bryan need to prepare to get his package? His local e-mail. His order number. •

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英文 國中

國一下英文L3,L4 第58題求解 感謝^_^

(D) After you disinfect your mask with a rice cooker, you can get a new and clean mask. D. End Food Waste Together! “Look ! This strawberry has a big nose.” "The carrot has two legs ! What's wrong with the fruit and vegetables? They are ugly food. People don't like ugly food because it doesn't look pretty. Supermarkets don't sell ugly fruit and vegetables, so farmers throw them away. That leads to food waste. Farmers carn nothing and it does bad to our earth. Our idea of perfect apples and carrots is out of date. Why does everything need to look perfect when they taste the same? They may be 100% ugly, but 200% tasty and 300% heaithy. Don't waste any food because it's farmer's hard work and the gift from our carth. Here is a store for farmers to sell their ugly food. If need fruit and vegetables, you can come get some into items apple carrot spinach squash cucumber tomato Price NTD $15 /one $20/one bag $5/one bag $10/one $30/bag $50/one box *Buy one and get one free after ổ p.m. every day. *Post pictures of ugly food with #UglyFruitAndVeg on Facebook or Instagram, show your post to us, and then you can get 10% off you your kitchen. waste R* sell When 當…的時候 earn throw = lead to 導致 healthy 健康的 earth blok out of date in Question 56–57 It's nine thirty in the evening. Alice is shopping at the store. She gets 20 apples, four boxes of tomatoes, and two bags of carrots. Now She is showing her post of ugly food to the clerk and gets ready to pay.

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