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ducts ate just ltke dly pro earth aS W el Nowo for the Have you ever heard of green products that help people live 4 b 還 he market: people who think they many eeo-friendly produc's can be seen and boug 還ee iiany Price should go 駒eeh 1._by buying eeo-friendly de 本 Side from 還 Take Soo-friendly shoes for example- Eeo-friene 廚 , friendly clothes. Clothes 計時 DSE Ge 時是uue The quality of eco-triendly # rOW aWwa to make Co es- 人 3 時 同 EE 由 commoh example 18 eco-friendly water ethink- fter usling them clothes is even better 了an peop, 2._ People don'tneed tot bottles. <.- As the idea of saving the earth 18 on hat they wear to what they 了han Words. but they do 1ess h ly the earth_ but 31 hrow them away 4 r 3 國8 These products nearly every0ne use athome 0 at Work- Going green Wwhich take imote and uSltng cover from eco-friendly products ae more ftime and work to make, 4. , products, people can help not onl 個人 名 eeo-friendly 環保的_product 產品 Tec reduee harm 減少損 害_qualhty 品質 辣NM arm to the earth. By using eco-trlendly so themselves inthelong run. yeled plastie 回收 塑膠| time shoppling m 也ose green products @@@@ 1. (A) spend most of their (B) stay away fro > (C) get more knowledge about the earth (D) take action to save the earth (B) They come in ditteremt colors. @@@@| 2 (A) They are also used as phones. (D) They are sold at high priees. (C) They can be used many times. @@O@| 3 (A) eco-friendly products cant be found in Taiwan (B) the list of eco-friendly products keeps growln 員 (C) eco-friendly water bottles have no longer 了 (D) people can still do nothing for the earth 區 @@ @ 4. (A) appear On the front page of many book: 4 司 aren thelpful to people's health at all 和emore expenSive than other products ( ) ) give peoplea chance to thlink Wha 0

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