


英文 國中

求解 急 怎麼看都不順眼 第29

,我穿起來很漂亮 24 (A) It looks pretty on me. (C) Whe can 1 it on? ) 25. (A) It's expensive. (B) (C) It is too small to wear. 991473 (B) How much is it? (D) Is it my size?這是我的嗎 (B) I'll take this one. (D) I don't like it, either. (1) 26. (A) How much money do you have? (B) Isn't it expensive? (C) Do you have credit cards? (D) How would you like to pay? [31 【27~29】 27 Basketball has been around for more than one hundred years. It 18 C was invented in 1891 by James Naismith, a PE teacher, who tried hard to think of a game for his students to play inside on a rainy or cold winter day. A Naismith wrote some basic rules and used a peach basket for players to throw a ball in. At that time a soccer ball was used to play in the game. Quite different from modern basketball games, the first அ ones in history were slow because there were no holes in the bottom of the peach baskets. When a player threw a ball in a peach basket, the ball stayed there. The game had to stop so that one of the players could climb up to get the ball. Although the first basketball games seem funny, they were an important start of one of the most popular sports in the world. invent 創造 basic 基本的 k C a p y le li a 11 seem 似乎 n (7) 27. What is the best title for the reading? title 標題 (A) James Naismith (B) PE Classes (C) Sports and Their Rules (D) The History of Basketball 28. What CAN'T we learn from the reading? B (A) The first basketball baskets. (B) The number of players on each team. (C) James Naismith's job. (D) Why James Naismith invented basketball. (B) 29. Which of the following usually has a hole in its bottom? (A) A couch. (B) A mat. 長椅 墊 【30~32] (C) A pot. (D) A tub. |tub 浴缸 Dear Sarah, I have two tickets for the game between the Elephants and the Lions next Tuesday. David said that he could go to the game with 21

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英文 國中


八、克漏字選擇:10分(每題2分) People love eating chocolate. However, have you ever thought about how these sweets came to the market? In fact, there are many child workers 1 in the Ivory Coast. It's the most important place for producing chocolate. Many 2 chocolate companies, such as Mars and Hershey, also use the cocoa from there. The farm owners there make kids 3 K適翰版B卷英語(四)7-2 Although the child workers spend all their time and give up their chance to go to school, they don't get a reasonable salary. Now, there are more and more people standing out to 4 5 these kids' rights. Why not join them and try our pp2. best to make this world a better place? (D)Y. (A) works hard (C) worked hard (C) 2. (A) delicious (B) weak reasonable salary (B) to work hard (D) working hard (C) famous (D) bitter 'y ) 3. According to the poster, which is NOT true if you are outside? (A) Call 119 if you see any power lines falling. (B) If you're in a car, don't move until the shaking stops. (C) Run away from all the big buildings that could fall at any second. (D) We should move to a safe place no matter (A) whether there's a tall building or not. 十、短文閱讀測驗:9分(每題3分) Today's Weather The first typhoon of this year is coming fast from the Green Sea. Although it will not arrive unti tomorrow, strong winds and heavy rains are here already. It is quite windy in Greenton. We can't see th city's famous bright sun today because the rain is going to last all day. Greenton's temperature tod

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