


英文 國中

我整個都不會怎麼辦啦 誰可以救救我😭😭

Lesson 1 Have You Ever Heard of A Christmas Carol? 一、寫出下列動詞過去式及過去分詞:40%(每題2分) 法二法 1. 8. 9. 10. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. begin come say write get plan take run study cut - - - - - 周 二、根據提示字寫出現在完成式句子:18%(每題3分) 1. Joyce and Mark / for twenty years / be married / . 2. since 10:00 / do the housework/ Bill/. 3. The boys / already / take many photos/ . 4. Your sons / just clean the bathroom / . Lesson 1 Have You Ever Heard of A Christmas Carol? 國中英語(五)句型精熟卷 II 班 號 姓名 5. see the movie / several times / You/. 開始 來 說話(字句) 寫 獲得 計畫 拿(走) 跑;經營 研讀 切;砍 6. Mandy / yet / feed her puppy/. 三、填入適當動詞時態:18%(每題3分) 1. Bob (surf) the Net since 9:00 a.m. (eat) anything since last night. 2. 1 3. Paris is a romantic city. I 4. Dad is not home. He 5. My brother been three years since I last saw him. 6. Aunt Monica 四、翻譯:24 %(每題6分) 1. A:你曾經去過日本嗎? B:是的,我曾經去過日本。 2. 我妹妹從昨天開始一直都不快樂。 3. Mary 已經學了五年英文。 國中英語(五)句型精熟卷 III 年 (go) to Taipei on business. (move) to Taipei after he got married. It has 得分 4.自從他離開之後,我就沒有看過他了。 (live) in Penghu since she was born. (be) there several times. 1~34~

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英文 國中


字彙:10% 1. It's difficult 1. C ks. Pleas 2. John is not home now. in the library. 3. It's cold today, but there are still n swimming in the o n. A: Did you set up camp alone? 四、 依提示作答: 3. t. I did it all by myself. ves are sharp(鋒利的). You cut something hard. -ts. For example. Joe anis well 分(每題 10 2 (D). he is >) Both Both I saw Pamela in the gym. Pamela played badminton. (以Isaw... 開頭合併句子) 2. If / Ray / exercise every day / be healthier(依提示完成句子) Katie enjoys cooking. Peter enjoys cooking, too. (用Not only... but also... 合併句子) 4. My baby sister played with the toys.(加入反身代名詞) 5. Most of the students are cleaning the classroom. (將畫線部分改為 Each 並做適當改寫) 分) (B) I no long (C) I always drink 《 (D) It's convenient to use 4 5. A: 克漏字測驗:10 分(每題2 分) Amelia: I saw one of your classmates 1. basketball after school yesterday. He is handsome, and he has beautiful blue eyes. I know. Most of them are from the U f the girls are from the USA. fruit is from the USA. ople is from Taiwan. Taiwan. 五、整句式翻譯:15 分(每題3分) 1. 大部分的垃圾都需要花很長一段時間才能分解。 2. 我昨晚自己在房間時,我聽到有人在說話。 3. 當我在電梯裡時,地震突然來襲。幸運的是,什麼也沒發生。 4. 一次性的塑膠餐具對我們的環境不好。 5.當所有燈光熄滅時,那一刻我們每個人都很害怕。 11111111 ADVANCED 進階能力評量:25% What's more, there are 3 meeting rooms at H&G Paris. 2 meeting rooms are for 4~6 people, and the other is for 12 people. The meeting rooms for 4~6 people are on the 2nd floor, and the large one is on the 1st floor. Please call our

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英文 國中


3 : WNI (16-25 H 10 ) Lesson 3 89 10 20 What happened to him? Eric: Really? 17. he never came to any of our activities. How could he do that? Erie: Mike didn't come to my birthday party last weekend, and he missed the picnic yesterday, too. Ben: He is doing okay... In fact, I just saw him yesterday. 16. Ben: He was practicing basketball with his team on the basketball court. Eric: Oh, I know it! Ben: Well, basketball means a lot to him. Eric: I sometimes even get angry at him because he doesn't treat me as a true friend. Ben: But Mike finally 19. him. Eric: Yeah. You are right. I just miss the good old days when we played together and shared everything with 20、 Ben: I know, I miss the good old days, too. 18. his favorite thing in life. He is a really great player, and we should be Dangry 生氣的 should be ( ) 16. (A) When was that? (C) What was he doing then? ) 17. (A) After he joined the team (C) After you saw him ) 18. (A) looked for (B) was looking for ) 19. (A) happy of (B) proud of ) 20. (A) each other (B) every each (B) Did you see him in the park? (D) Who was with you then? (B) Before he started to play (D) Before we played together (C) was finding (D) found (C) happy on (D) proud on (C) others (D) each one 1~22 Hi Karen, I'm sorry about stopping you when you were studying for the English test yesterday afternoon. dn't mean to do that, and I'm really sorry. As you told me before, you always have a hard time remembering new words. So, I also want are some good ways with you. After I learn a new word in class, I don't spell it out again and ag remember it. First of all, I like to make small word cards. I write a new word on one side and th aning of it on the back side. Then I can study those words everywhere even when I just have a . For example, I enjoy reading through the cards when I am waiting for the school bus. I also arf the Internet to look for songs with the new words in it. Last week, we just learned the word ? And I found the song Treat Myself. It's an interesting and nice song. I often sing the song also learn other words from the song. hope these ways also work for you, and maybe we can study together next time. ☺ - remember 19 spell ## meaninge everywhere a bit 5

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英文 國中


下字數 231 Q&A about Laws Q1: What is a "law"? A: It is a rule that was made by a government. Q2: Are all the laws the same around the world? A: Of course not. Laws are different from place to place. Learning about the laws of other places can help you understand the people there and keep you out of trouble when you are there. Q3: Are there any laws about clothing? A: Yes, many countries ask women to wear something to cover their hair. And, every country has laws about wearing clothes to cover “private parts." Q4: Are there any laws made to stop people from getting hurt? A: Yes. In the United States, Kinder Surprise eggs were banned for choking risk because there are small toys. So, it changed its packaging and renamed Kinder Joy eggs. Q5: Are there any laws to stop feeding animals or birds? A: Sure. In Venice, feeding pigeons can cost you a lot. There are already so many pigeons that they have to kill some of them. Q6: What happens to someone that breaks the law? A: It depends on the law. For some, you will get a fine or to be told not to do it again. Others might put you in prison for months, years, or the rest of your life. And for the worst crimes, the worst punishment is the death penalty. ban choking risk pigeon 67 fine 1 tk prison et penalty #li OC A)31. What can we know from the reading? 指出 (A) Laws are different in different places. (B) People in Venice can't wear black clothes. 細節 (C) People must follow the laws to stay healthy. (D) Kinder Surprise eggs are so popular that people can't stop eating them. OA32. Mr. Wang asked his students why they had to follow the laws. Which student is NOT right? 推敲 (A) John: “I don't want to pay a fine.” (B) Helen: "I won't get into trouble when I travel." (C) Peter: "I can make our world a better place to live in." (D) Tim: “I can get a better understanding of the people in a different country." 33. Which chart can be seen in Venice? (A) 450, IB 义 & Co (B) 450 The number of pigeons The number of people in prison 圖文 轉換 400 350 3100 250 200 150 100 50 0 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2009 2010 2011 2009 2010 2011 The number of Kinder Surprise eggs ul il The number of Kinder Joy eggs (C) 450 4000 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 (D) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 ) 100 SO 0 LI 2009 2010 2011 2011 2010 2009

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