


英文 國中


30 201 (37-39) Below is some useful information about oil. Oil is called "black gold" for two reasons. * It is black when it comes out of the ground. * It can be sold for a lot of money. How much did a barrel of crude oil cost from 2000 to 2020? prices of a barrel of crude oil in US dollars 110 60 100 90 80 70 Hundreds of millions of years ago, plants and animals died. 15 10 0 10,43 201 28.2 They were kept in mud. 20.29 27.6 36.05 1.63 1.45 27 11.6 14:24 18.44 12.28 1960 1964 1973 1975 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 1998 2000 2004 2008 2011 2012 2016 2020 Where does crude oil come from? The mud was pushed down and down by other mud and rocks. 94.1 Canada 107.46 What are the disadvantages of using crude oil? Crude oil can't be used again. We may probably run out of it in the near future. Burning crude oil produces CO2, which plays a big part in global warming. Burning crude oil makes the air dirty. 109.45 40.76 That are the top five countries that produced crude oil in 2019? The world produced out 90 million barrels of crude oil a day in 2019. The following picture shows the top oil producing countries in that year and how many barrels of crude oil each duced every day. USA Saudi Arabia Russia China 41.47 The Earth's heat changed the dead plants and animals into oil. 10.81 million 10.5 million 5.23 million 4.86 million 18.61 million barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day barrels per day gold barrel crude global produce B Which is a disadvantage of driving to work? (A) It is often faster. (B) It is another way of going to work. (C) It can be hard to find a parking space. (D) It can help you make good use of your time. 38. Which is NOT true about the prices of a barrel of crude oil from 2000 to 2020? (A) It cost the most in 2012. (B.Its price is the lowest in 2000. 6) Its price kept rising from 2003 to 2008. (D) The price in 2020 is lower than that in 2004. 39. What can we learn from the infographic? Oil is as expensive as gold. infographic (B) Most crude oil comes from land, not the sea. (C) In 2019, the USA produced about 20% of the world's crude oil. (D) Crude oil may sometimes make the sea water dirty. 14 請翻頁

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英文 國中


Tetstr 模擬題本(閱讀) 模擬測驗 Merasa 分 英語 科 科第2 【測驗範圍】第二冊 年 班 號姓名 請閱讀以下測驗作答說明 以下為錯誤的畫記方式,可能導致電腦無法正確判讀。如: ④D④D未將選項塗滿 ABCD—未將選項塗黑 (A) ⑥①—未擦拭乾淨 (A 塗出選項外 A ①—同時塗兩個選項 回 RASINDACO 能力等級 精熟囗A 基礎B 待加強 C 精熟(88~100) A+ 、測驗說明: 這是國中教育會考英語科閱讀模擬試題本,試題本採雙面印刷,共有41題選擇題,每題都只 有一個正確或最佳的答案。測驗時間共60分鐘。作答開始與結束請聽從監試委員的指示。 X80+ B+ 、注意事項: 1. 所有試題均為四選一的選擇題,答錯不倒扣。 2. 試題本分為單題和題組兩部分。 3. 部分試題中的單字或片語加註中文,以利參考。 4. 依試場規則規定,答案卡上不得書寫姓名座號,也不得作任何標記。故意汙損答案卡、 損壞試題本,或在答案卡上顯示自己身分者,該科考試不予計列等級。 作答方式: 請依照題意從四個選項中選出一個正確或最佳的答案,並用2B鉛筆在答案卡上相應的位置 畫記,請務必將選項塗黑、塗滿。如果需要修改答案,請使用橡皮擦擦拭乾淨,重新塗黑 CO 答案。例如答案為B,則將 Ⓡ選項塗黑、塗滿,即: 礎(40~87) B+ 000 □A++ B++ 四、能力等級加標示與答對題數對照表:(僅供參考) ◎本模擬題本參考台師大心測中心公布的「各科能力等級加標示與答對題數對照表」區分: 閱讀題答對題數 聽力題答對題數 【閱讀題+聽力題】計分方式:加權分數= 閱讀題總題數 聽力題總題數 基 能力等級 示 標 A++ A B++ B 「加權分數|98.05~100 95.15~98.04 90.24~95.14 81,49~90.23 68.8381.48 39.70~68.82| 答對題數 40~41 38~39 36~37 31~35 25-30 14~24 X20 TOTOBEN 待加強(0~39) C 0-39.69 0~13 請聽到鈴(鐘)聲後才翻頁作答

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英文 國中


B: It is next to your bag. 2. My brothers play basketball with (I/my/me) after school. This is (sheher)/ him) new bike. What can I do for ( them/they/their))? That man is a police officer. Let's go talk to (he/him/her). 6. The girl is in front of (I/ my (me). I am behind (she her him). 7.-A: Do you see my markers? B: Are (them/their / they ) on (you/me/ 3. 4. 、請圈選正確的答案 1. A: Zoe, where is (you/me/your) notebook? 5. our desk? 8. A: Can you go wake (he / him/his) up? B: Yes, Mom. 請填入正確的人稱代名詞受格 A: Is the man a singer? B: Yes. Let's talk to him. 1. A: Amy is sleeping in class. B: Let's wake up. 2. A: Can I use my phone now? B: No. Please turn 3. A: Are they your cats? B: Yes. Let's play with 4. I am in front of Emily. She is behind 5. She is our new English teacher. Let's go talk to 三、請依提示,加入 can 寫出肯定句 I read the books in class. I can read the books in class. 1. You/jump rope. You can jump rope. off. 2. He / play baseball. He can play baseball. 141± 48 3. They / turn off the TV. They can 4. He/sing and dance. He can 5. She / follow the rules. turn off the TV. sing and dance. She can follow the rules 四、請將第三大題改為否定句 I can't read the books in class. 1. You can't 2. He can't play baseball. 3. They can't turn off the TV. 4. He can't sing and dance. 5. She can't follow the rules. 五、請將第三大題改為疑問句 Can I read the books in class? 1. Can ' you jump rope? 2. Can he play baseball? 3. Can they turn off the TV? 4. Can he sing and dance? 5. Can she follow the rules? 六、請依第五大題的問句寫出答句 (a)肯定簡答 (b)否定簡答 (a) Yes, you can. (b) No, you can't. 1. (a) Yes, I can. (6) No, I can't.

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英文 國中


KONSUMATRA ter 2015 模擬題本〔閱讀〕 分 【測驗範圍】第二冊 請閱讀以下測驗作答說明 年__班__號 姓名. Ww 英語科 CD一塗出選項外 WITAMINANGERHOT 104250350 —同時塗兩個選項 模擬測驗 第2回 以下為錯誤的畫記方式,可能導致電腦無法正確判讀。如: ABCD-未將選項塗滿 AⓇCD-未將選項塗黑 (A CD 未擦拭乾淨 精熟(88~100) A+ 能力等級 精熟囗A 基礎B 待加強 C ENER 測驗說明: 這是國中教育會考英語科閱讀模擬試題本,試題本採雙面印刷,共有41題選擇題,每題都只 有一個正確或最佳的答案。測驗時間共60分鐘。作答開始與結束請聽從監試委員的指示。 光仁二路 注意事項: 1. 所有試題均為四選一的選擇題,答錯不倒扣。 2. 試題本分為單題和題組兩部分。 3. 部分試題中的單字或片語加註中文,以利參考。 4. 依試場規則規定,答案卡上不得書寫姓名座號,也不得作任何標記。故意汙損答案卡、 損壞試題本,或在答案卡上顯示自己身分者,該科考試不予計列等級。 □□□ 作答方式: 請依照題意從四個選項中選出一個正確或最佳的答案,並用2B鉛筆在答案卡上相應的位置 畫記,請務必將選項塗黑、塗滿。如果需要修改答案,請使用橡皮擦擦拭乾淨,重新塗黑 答案。例如答案為B,則將選項塗黑、塗滿,即:④ CD CA BOTS302ALONIMANJA A++ A+ B+ B++ 能力等級 標示 基礎(40~87) B+ A++ A B++ B 加權分數|98.05~100 95.15~98.04 90.24~95.14 81.49~90.23 68.83~81.48 39.70~68.82 答對題數 40~41 38-39 36~37 31~35 25~30 14~24 能力等級加標示與答對題數對照表:(僅供參考) ◎本模擬題本參考台師大心測中心公布的「各科能力等級加標示與答對題數對照表」區分: 閱讀題答對題數 聽力題答對題數 ·X20 【閱讀題+聽力題】計分方式:加權分數= 閲讀題總題數 聽力題總題數 X80+ VASORT node 待加強(0~39) C 0-39.69 0~13 請聽到鈴(鐘)聲後才翻頁作答

尚未解決 回答數: 4
英文 國中


需助動詞 did o is help tare . ( ( 11. A: (A) When; 12. Gina (A) likes did Benson goes (B) How; goes science 三、整句式翻譯 ( ) 13. A: What time did the class (A) start () 14. Evan read a book and (A) drink ( )15. Vicky and Mike (A) go; had before, but she does now. (B) doesn't like (B) starts to the zoo? B: Last weekend. (C) When; go some black tea. (B) drinks 依提示作答 1. Did Kevin enjoy his trip to Singapore? (C) liked yesterday evening? B: At six thirty. (C) starting to the park and (B) went; having (C) drank (C) goes; had 2. Betty did the dishes yesterday afternoon(依畫線部分造原問句) 3. Paul talked to me yesterday. (29) 4. She works in Taipei. (DOA a year ago ) (D) How; go Lesson 1 a great afternoon (D) didn't like (D) started (D) is drinking together. (D) went; had 21 (肯定簡答) (否定簡答 (肯定簡答+詳答) (否定簡答+詳答 What did Sandy do last night? 2. 我妻子前天煮了許多食物。 mny wife cooked a lot of food the day before jes 3. 他們去年沒有參加科學營隊。 They did not participate in science last camp yea 4. A:James 上週六下午有玩電腦遊戲嗎?B:是的,他有玩。 A: Did James play computer games last Saturday aft 5. A:你和 Gary, 今天早上在體育課做了什麼?B:我們今天早上在體育課游泳。 S A: What did you and Gary do in PE class this mornin B: we swam in PE class this morning. 6. A:那間漂亮的美術博物館是在什麼時候開幕的?B:它是在2010 年 8月15日開幕 A: When was that beautiful art museum opened? Be It opened on August 15, 2010

尚未解決 回答數: 1
英文 國中

( ) 12. Susan bought (A) many ) 13. I don't like any one of these three watches. Can you show me (A) the others (C) either ( (B) other ) 14. Jogging is the only exercise I enjoy. I find (A) all (B) few ( ) 15. Dino: Do you have any stamps? ( ( ( ( ( ) 18. Michelle Walden, Emma: Yes, just go to my desk. I put (B) others (A) ones (C) some ) 16. I haven't been to the movies these days. Are there any good (A) ones (B) others (C) them ) 17. Mrs. Luo: Who put these socks in the refrigerator? Mr. Luo: I don't know. They're not (A) me (B) mine bread in the supermarket, but she did not buy anything to drink. (B) some (C) any (D) one (C) many vivo X80 2023/05/06 01:31 . ZEISS (C) every (A) any (B) both (.) 23. This restaurant makes delicious chicken rice, so (B) others (D) another other kinds of exercise boring. 【103-29) (D) some Ask your son. (C) my (D) myself of the best basketball players in our school history, was called "Flying Walden" because she could jump very high. 【100-2-9】 (A) any (B) each (C) one ( ) 19. Elise: I need a dress for tomorrow's party, but I don't have one. Fiona: Why don't you try on my red one? I bought (A) it (B) one (C) ones today. in my pencil case in the second drawer. (D) those (A) it is (B) they are (C) there is ) 24. Cell phones are convenient; every person in my family has one? (C) the other last week. (D) them ( ) 20. On the way to work, Natasha was surprised to find she was wearing a white earring ( ) [99-2-6] on one ear and a gray earring on (A) another (B) the next ) 21. Beatrice loves to draw apples. You can see on her school bag! (A) one (B) others (C) them (D) which ( ) 22. I cannot understand why Steven bought so many watches but never wears (D) others 75 | 建議售價 120 元 | 702051937011 this week? (D) those (C) some (D) who 【105-8】 【104-7】 【103-特-8】 【101-14】 【100-2-18】 (D) the second in her notebooks, on her letters, and even 【99-2-3】 (A) it (B) one (C) them (D) those ) 25. Mike: I heard there are many monkeys in this mountain. But I didn't see any of them last time when I was here. Carl: Hope we can see (A) another 【100-1-17】 (D) themselves of them. always full of people at mealtime. (D) there are 【99-1-9】 【98-2-14] 【98-2-10】 [98-1-201 III 408 HO $

待回答 回答數: 0
英文 國中

=? by =ht 5. Ian has painted the bathroom walls white. (改為被動句) 整句式翻譯(每題 6 分,共 30 分) 被要求借她的數學習作跟筆記給 Ryan.(asked) 2. Oliver 在那座農場被一隻母牛踢到。 3. A:我聽到你們在課堂上拍手與歡呼。你們那時在做什麼? B:我們在聽我們的老師講一個刺激的故事。 1. Anna ( 建議售價 12 | 70205193 4. 那位足球教練要那些選手們一天跑六英里減肥。(made) 5. 那男孩被那個鬼故事嚇得要死。 四、克漏字測驗(每題 3 分,共 15 分) Robert is my best friend. We have known each other for many years. Next Saturday is his birthday. Though he didn't ask me to do anything for him, I still went to the department store to buy him a present yesterday. I spent about an hour 1. around in the store, and I didn't find_2. special. So, I decided 3. a break and have lunch first. I walked into a coffee shop and ordered something 4. .After lunch, to eat. Then I saw a few mugs on the counter. They were on sale, and they looked 5. "Best Friends Forever!" on it. It is not an expensive present, but I think it is I bought the mug the right one for Robert. I hope that he will like it. ) 1. (A) looked ) 2. (A) thing ) 3. (A) taking ( ) 4. (A) beautiful ) 5. (A) of vivo X80 ZEISS 2023/05/0601:30 (B) to look (B) nothing (B) to take (B) like good (B) about (C) look (C) anything (C) of taking (C) well (C) for 69 山 mig 馬克杯 counter 櫃檯 (D) looking (D) any one (D) and took (D) beautifully (D) with

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