


英文 國中

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(如一和1) A pasketofman's waste is a beautiful thing. 0 the CEO ofBill友 Melinda Gates Foundation took 同 | thand hard work of taking away Desmond-Hellmann trip to Nigeria in June, 2015 to see firs : 說 She was surprised to know that the health worker, Haliru Usman, onee 吧 3 weel took out the basket to collect the waste and packed it into ice. lttook him | another eight hours to drive to the testing center to test the waste. 所還 | because he knew he could save people's lives- 蟬 | Thanks to thousands of workers like him, the cases of polio happened | Jess in Nigeria. After the open of Global Polio Eradication Initiative (Gi | im 1988, 41“. People are making the history and save the children 歡 | polio. Isn'tita beautiful thing? E | 三字 waste 排泄物。polio 小兒說間胡 | 還和 多寢@@@ 人9 (AThere is nothing more but dirty things nm 六 (B) No one would like to touch the dirty things. (C) People can make many kinds of useful things with it. (D) That might sound strange, but here is how the story goes. @ b) 仿 @@ 多 (A) Doing fhis made his hands dirty (B) However, he was proud of being helpful (C) He spent a lot of time learning about polio mthe fight with polio, alittle went along way @ (gp得 AA cases are from 350,000ayearto fewer than 100 @ health workers treated 45 million Nigerian children (C' about 40% of those cases are in Afghanistan and Pakistan DD the polio medicine in the poor countries costs as little as 0.1 dollar 204 2900恒師選章經

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