


英文 國中


3 網頁 大考經典範例 Read the homepage of Cheetah Car Racing 2014. e Cheetah Car Racing 2014 Back Next About Cheetah Car Racing The History e http://www.cheetahcarracing2014.com Still can't forget those exciting moments of Cheetah Car Racing last year in Finn City? Now it's time to get ready for this year's Cheetah Car Racing in Lynden City. Check it out now! More About Lynden City The History Where to Watch the Races Eat in the City 2014 Game Programs Watch the News Join Our Work Team Email Us (103會考(40-41) Listen to the News Buy Tickets Now City Planning for Cheetah Car Racing 2014 Find Nice Hotels Shop in the City 40. Who will NOT find this homepage useful? (A) Abby, who wants to know the ticket prices. (B) Betty, who wants to get around in Finn City. (C) Cindy, who wants to share her ideas about car racing. (D) Debby, who wants to collect news about the car racers. X 2014 Race Teams homepage(網頁)首頁 DB 41. Linda is reading the page of Cheetah Car Racing 2014 below. e Cheetah Car Racing 2014 e http://www.cheetahcarracing2014.com/345986 We are happy to invite you during Cheetah Car Racing 2014 to clean the racing roads before and after each game. to take care of out-of-town car racers. to show people around the city. to be a reporter for the games. Where did Linda click on the homepage of Cheetah Car Racing 2014 to get to this page? /click 點擊(網頁) (A) 2014 Game Programs. (B) (C) (D) City Planning for Cheetah Car Racing 2014. Shop in the City. Join Our Work Team. 問題 Linda 正在閱讀底下 Cheetah Car Racing 2014 的頁面。Linda 會點選哪個以找到這個頁面? 解析 Linda 點擊的網頁頁面為邀請加入 2014 賽車活動的賽車道清理,照顧賽車選手、導遊及擔任活動記 者等。 解題要領 ◇了解命題觀點: 1. 此篇 Cheetah 賽車比賽網頁訊息公告主要是評量學生搜尋資訊的能力。 2 學生作答時,必須能快速掃瞄網頁的三項主要訊息: 關於 Cheetah 賽車比賽、關

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英文 國中


B: It is next to your bag. 2. My brothers play basketball with (I/my/me) after school. This is (sheher)/ him) new bike. What can I do for ( them/they/their))? That man is a police officer. Let's go talk to (he/him/her). 6. The girl is in front of (I/ my (me). I am behind (she her him). 7.-A: Do you see my markers? B: Are (them/their / they ) on (you/me/ 3. 4. 、請圈選正確的答案 1. A: Zoe, where is (you/me/your) notebook? 5. our desk? 8. A: Can you go wake (he / him/his) up? B: Yes, Mom. 請填入正確的人稱代名詞受格 A: Is the man a singer? B: Yes. Let's talk to him. 1. A: Amy is sleeping in class. B: Let's wake up. 2. A: Can I use my phone now? B: No. Please turn 3. A: Are they your cats? B: Yes. Let's play with 4. I am in front of Emily. She is behind 5. She is our new English teacher. Let's go talk to 三、請依提示,加入 can 寫出肯定句 I read the books in class. I can read the books in class. 1. You/jump rope. You can jump rope. off. 2. He / play baseball. He can play baseball. 141± 48 3. They / turn off the TV. They can 4. He/sing and dance. He can 5. She / follow the rules. turn off the TV. sing and dance. She can follow the rules 四、請將第三大題改為否定句 I can't read the books in class. 1. You can't 2. He can't play baseball. 3. They can't turn off the TV. 4. He can't sing and dance. 5. She can't follow the rules. 五、請將第三大題改為疑問句 Can I read the books in class? 1. Can ' you jump rope? 2. Can he play baseball? 3. Can they turn off the TV? 4. Can he sing and dance? 5. Can she follow the rules? 六、請依第五大題的問句寫出答句 (a)肯定簡答 (b)否定簡答 (a) Yes, you can. (b) No, you can't. 1. (a) Yes, I can. (6) No, I can't.

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