


英文 國中


第二部分:題組(第21~43題,共20題) (24~26) The artwork, "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" by Beeple was sold at a record-breaking price of almost seventy million US dollars. This made Beeple, whose real name is Mike Winkelmann, one of the three most expensive living artists now. This artwork is a collage of 5,000 photos about people's life. It took Winkelmann 13 years to finish it. By taking a close look at these photos, people can see the changes in not only the people but also the country over the past 13 years. Different from the artworks people used to see in the museum, "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" is the first Non-Fungible Token (NFT) artwork that can only be seen on the computer. Unlike other photos which might be copied on the Internet over and over again, an artwork with an NFT is just like having the artist's name on it, which saves it from being copied. Thanks to NFT, sellers and buyers can make sure they are the only owners of the great artwork in the world. In fact, any GIFs, photos, and pictures on the computer can be made into NFT artworks. As a new superstar in the art world, Winkelmann's work has turned over a new page in art history. artist 藝術家 Non-Fungible Token (NFT) 非同質化代幣 unlike 和...不同 GIF圖像互換格式 What can we know about "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" from the reading? (A) It tells the history of the country. It took the artist 4,000 days to finish it. X It is the most expensive artwork in history. X (D) It is a new and special type of art in the art world. 25. Which is NOT true about NFT? (A) NFT can help artists to raise the price of their artworks. B/NFT NFT saves artworks from being copied on the computer. (C) It helps artists to send works to buyers through computers. DPhotos or pictures on the Internet can be made into NFT artworks.

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英文 國中

請教第38題 D選項不是在強調新的方法嗎可是文章中好像沒有提到有新的方法😿

此题考 細節」 先閱讀 項, 中找出 畫出來 申述是 合唱 答案 -4 O 歡此是 境 PE 导 時事新聞 素養搶鮮試 "NFT," the Next Big Thing in the Digital World 科技 領域 雖然 If you are interested in artwork, you may hear of NFTs. Although) NFTs have been around since 2014, they become a popular way to buy and sell digital artwork now. And after the first-ever NFT artwork called "Everydays: The First 5,000 Days" was sold for $69.4 million, (NFTs have world of digital art. quickly swept through 41 37. [There has long been a problem for artists to make digital works of art (because they can be (a)" copied easily. And this makes it hard for the artists to sell their works. However, NFTs can help fix the problem. NFTs stand for non-fungible tokens. An NFT uses the technology of blockchain to 科技 make something that is one of a kind in the digital world. But unlike a painting, which can be placed in the owner's home, an NFT is a digital certificate saying you own the artwork. While 2 - 地方 there may be many copies of the painting in the world, only the person who buys the NFT gets the certificate. Only he has it. Nobody else in the world can have it. 37. It's not just art that's being sold with NFTs. Some bands are making music with NFTs. Besides, NFTs can be anything like drawings, photos, and videos. Many people believe that NFTs will be the next big thing in the digital world. digital 數位的 non-fungible tokens 非同質化代幣 blockchain 區塊鏈 certificate 憑證 搶先試試看 (V) 36. What does this mean in the reading? 指涉 科技 教育 A) Everyone can make works of art with NFTs. (B) The painting can be put in the owner's home. (C) People can make copies of the digital art. because they. (D) The digital art can be bought and sold on the Internet. (2) 37 Below are the writer's points in the reading: a. What makes NFTs special. 細節 c. Different kinds of works made with NFTs. (A) Business Daily → C In what order does the writer talk about his points? a c→b. Music World (B) b-c-a. (C) bac. 38. On which website did Nina most likely find the information above? (B) The House 推論 X + www.businessdaily.com/expensivepainting Where is the most expensive painting in the world? No one in the art world knows for sure where the painting is. However, it is believed... X X + www.musicworld/digitalmusic.com 藍ntend們可以製藝術品,讓artists 很難動作 easily」(附製藝術品很容易 How to make digital music? Linda Ryan is coming to teach you how to make digital music. Check it out here... 228 words Z. b. The problem digital art has. The Future X (D) c→ b→ a. likely 可能 → C www.thehouse.com/newhome Will NFTs change how we buy our house? ANFTs change the way we own works of art; however, it won't change how we buy our house... www.thefuture/newwaytomakedigitalart D X A new way to make digital art NFTS are the new ways to make digital art. People use it to sell art online... X

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英文 國中

請問有人會嗎 急 謝謝🙏

(D) sorry B) eye D) puppy 白答案。每題 2.5分。 A 18. Simon is He's a famous model (S). Couching (JEEAAT). I cried when I (A) a tall man (B) tall a man (C) a man tall (D) tall man (D) 19. Jessica: Is she (C) really (D) yet ce a photo of us? Buck: No, she is a thin girl. I my (A) heavy girl (B) a heavy girl ra (C) pot (D) fan (C) a girl heavy (D) heavy a girl morning. I am and I won't (C) 20. York: is the young cook? Gray: He is only twenty this year. (C) afraid (A) What day (B) Where (C) How old (D) Who for their daughter's sixth 第二部分:下列七個題組,共有 25 (題號 21~45), (C) meeting (D) story 請依選文或所附圖表資料選出一個正確或最佳 orite food. I can eat it every day. 的答案。每題2分。 (B) mind [21~24] (D) art She does a lot of housework (* Hello, everyone. I am Jessie. I like to take pictures, and 21. my works. The boy in the first photo is Ivan. Ivan is my new classmate. He is (C) waiter (D) recorder 22. the USA. His pet dog is cute. Ivan *). Everyone loves her is a short person with a red nose. Andy is Ivan's good friend. arks on TV. My classmates love to talk with them because they 23. very (B famous outgoing. The girl in that photo is my cousin, Betty. She 24. (D) enough thirteen years old now. She is really a beautiful girl, isn't she? under the tree. 圖 outgoing 外向的 pet cat already ( ) 21. (A) they will (B) it was (C) this is (D) these are ( ) 22. (A) at (B) from (C) for (D) under the same class. ( ) 23. (A) are (B) is (C) were (D) was actresses ( ) 24. (A) are (B) were (C) is (D) was sons [25~29] re. Is she Amy? cope Penny: Hi, Joy. Where are you from? son Joy: I am from Canada. My country is 25. maple leaves. or? Penny: Right! Many people visit Canada mostly for them. They are really red and 26. in autuinn. What a great view! Can 27. (D) Will Joy: You bet. Hey, enough about me. Tiends? Penny: Me? Well, I am from Jap Our cherry blossoms are them. popular with many people. And our food is also great. he isn't James: Oh, I love sushi so much! I feel hungry now... they aren't Penny: Haha. So where are you from, James? James: Hi, you two. I am from Taiwan. When it comes to Taiwan, people will think of... 28. and we love them! Is there Penny & Joy: Night markets! They are Are they James: Wow. Ladies, 29. I can show you around and introduce you many more interesting things about Taiwan. nes. El maple leaf R mostly view No, it isn't cherry blossom E sushi a lady + introduce 1* Yes, they are. ( ) 25. (A) surprised at (B) across from (C) angry at (D) famous for ( ) 26. (A) sorry (B) beautiful What is it? (C) heavy re they cars? ( ) 27. (A) What about you? (B) Where are you? H). He is my new (C) Who are they? (D) What are those? ) 28. (A) heavy (B) true (C) late (D) fun om (D) on ( ) 29. (A) we should enjoy the maple leaves m? (B) you can both visit me (C) let's take a trip to Japan ho (D) How (D) it's time to take a break 請翻面繼續作答 1 - 1 han. my father. (D) thin

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